首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Population Data Science >Implications of socio-demographic change in place of death in Scotland 2001-2011: an analysis of linked census and death registration data

Implications of socio-demographic change in place of death in Scotland 2001-2011: an analysis of linked census and death registration data




Background with rationaleCare in the final stages of life care constitutes a marked component of all health and social care expenditure. Whether people die at home or in an institutional setting is influenced by a range of social and demographic factors. Understanding the implications of socio-demographic trends for people die can contribute to planning services.Main AimTo describe changes in place of death 2001-2011 and to ascertain the extent to which these might be explained by social or demographic trends.Methods/ApproachData from the Care in the Last Days of Life Study was drawn on. This dataset linked census to death registration and hospital admissions data for all deaths occurring in the 12 months following the 2001 and 2011 censuses. Deaths in these two time periods were compared and contrasted using logistic regression.Results and DiscussionExcluding deaths for which no census record could be linked, a total of 56,766 people died in the year following the 2001 census and 53,517 following in the same period after the 2011 census. A slight decline was apparent in the period proportion of deaths in hospital (52.3% of all deaths in 2011-12 against 56.9% in 2001-02) with a concomitant increase in deaths in care homes and hospices. Deaths at home were virtually unchanged. Age at death increased markedly with 31.4% occurring to people aged 85+ years in the latter compared to 26.6% in the earlier period. Further analysis to be presented will explore the extent to which these changes can be explained by an ageing population, shifting causes of death, changes in hospital discharge policies, or social composition of the Scottish population between these two timepoints. Implications of findings for policy will be considered.
机译:背景技术在生命保健的最终阶段中的律师构成了所有健康和社会护理支出的标记组成部分。人们是否在家死亡或在机构环境中受到一系列社会和人口因素的影响。了解人口趋势对人口死亡的影响可以促进规划服务.Main Aimto描述了2001 - 2011年死亡的变化,并确定了这些可能由社会或人口趋势解释的程度。方法/接近在生命研究的最后几天的护理被绘制。该数据集将普查与死亡登记和医院招生数据联系在2001年和2011年度普查之后的12个月内发生的所有死亡人口。将死亡在这两次期间进行了比较和对比,使用逻辑回归对比。结果和讨论案例没有人口普查记录的死亡人口,共计56,766人在2001年人口普查之后,在2011年后同一时期遵循53,517人人口普查。在医院死亡期的一段时间(2011-12次死亡52.3%的52.3%,2001-02岁的52.3%)显而易见的是,伴随着护理家园和宾馆的死亡人数伴随着。家里的死亡几乎没有变化。死亡年龄明显增加,后者在855岁以上的人发生了31.4%,而在早些时候的情况下为26.6%。待提出的进一步分析将探讨这些变化的程度可以通过老龄化人群,移位死亡原因,医院排放政策的变化,或苏格兰人口之间的社会构成的程度来解释。将考虑调查结果的影响。



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