首页> 外文期刊>International Association of Online Engineering >Teaching Technology Usage in the ENT Medical Subdomain via a Flipped Classroom Approach

Teaching Technology Usage in the ENT Medical Subdomain via a Flipped Classroom Approach




The flipped classroom approach is supporting a continuous interaction of students and instructors via online communication and strengthens the ability to solve problems by self-organization. This is especially important in medical domains, like the one of ENT-Head/Neck (ENT: Ear-Nose-Throat) surgeries and treatment. Surgical corrections of the nasal airways, like FESS (Functional Endoscopy Sinus Surgery) or in the field of plastic surgery, are the second frequent surgical interventions in otorhinolaryngology. They have to be prepared very carefully and airflow simulation with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gaining importance for diagnostics here. New in silico procedures, like imaging, 3D modelling, CFD simulation and analysis, are to be part of a standard clinical pathway in the ENT domain in the near future. The project Rhinodiagnost.eu for instance will extend the morphological diagnostics by detailed functional analysis, i.e. the visualization of the nasal air stream and the physical analysis of its energetic. In order to train ENT specialists on the new diagnostic aids Rhinodiagnost.eu will provide flipped classroom online lessons using the tool “Mediathread” of the Columbia University, as learning environment.



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