首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Infectious Diseases >Quality of Management of Severe Malaria Cases in Children under Five: A Case of Four Health Facilities in the Littoral Department in Benin

Quality of Management of Severe Malaria Cases in Children under Five: A Case of Four Health Facilities in the Littoral Department in Benin




Background : Benin republic is a sub-Saharan African country endemic to malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum . To reduce the death rate due to this scourge, it is essential to ensure quality care, especially for children under five years who are the most vulnerable. The main objective of this study is to assess the quality of severe malaria case management in patients under five years. Methods : Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional stud y w as performed in health facilities in Cotonou city, the economic capital of Benin Republic. Study sample included 205 suspected cases of severe malaria among children aged under five years, in four health facilities. In each of hospitals, all children under five years with severe malaria presumption were enrolled in the study. Quality was assessed through five components: diagnosis, treatment, patient monitoring, counselling/advice, and patient’s follow-up. Base d on the Benin Republic’s malaria case management standard protocol, the assessment criteria of each component were defined. Results : The sex ratio was 1.25 boys to a girl. The median of hospitalisation duration was 3 days with first quartile (Q1) = 2 and third quartile (Q3) = 5. Among 205 severe malaria cases included, 157 (76.59%) were not managed in accordance with the requirements of the national protocol of malaria case management. The different components of cases management are not all implemented during the care of patients. Conclusion : There is a need for training to health workers on implementation of severe malaria in children under 5 years protocol. Also, there is a need for investigation about factors associated with malaria protocol implementation.
机译:背景 : 贝宁共和国是撒哈拉以南非洲国家,由疟原虫疟疾引起的疟疾。为了降低由于这种祸害而导致的死亡率,必须确保质量保健,特别是对于最脆弱的5岁以下的儿童。本研究的主要目标是评估五年患者严重疟疾案例管理的质量。 方法: 描述性和分析横截面柱柱,如贝宁市经济城市的卫生设施中所执行的贝宁共和国的经济资本。研究样本包括在五年后的儿童疾病205例严重疟疾病例,在四个卫生设施中。在每家医院,所有5年内的儿童都在研究中注册了严重的疟疾推定。通过五种组分评估质量:诊断,治疗,患者监测,咨询/建议和患者的后续行动。 Base D在贝宁共和国疟疾案例管理标准方案中,定义了每个组分的评估标准。 结果: 性别比例为1.25个女孩。与第一个四分位数(Q1)= 2和第三四分位数(Q3)= 5.包括205例严重疟疾病例,157(76.59%)没有按照国家议定书的要求管理的205例疟疾案例管理。案件管理的不同组成部分并非全部在患者的照顾过程中实施。 结论: 需要培训卫生工作者,以实施5年议定书中儿童严重疟疾的实施。此外,需要对与疟疾协议实施相关的因素进行调查。



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