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Chiropractic maintenance care - what’s new? A systematic review of the literature

机译:脊椎按摩疗法护理 - 什么是新的?对文献的系统综述



Maintenance Care is a traditional chiropractic approach, whereby patients continue treatment after optimum benefit is reached. A review conducted in 1996 concluded that evidence behind this therapeutic strategy was lacking, and a second review from 2008 reached the same conclusion. Since then, a systematic research program in the Nordic countries was undertaken to uncover the definition, indications, prevalence of use and beliefs regarding Maintenance Care to make it possible to investigate its clinical usefulness and cost-effectiveness. As a result, an evidence-based clinical study could be performed. It was therefore timely to review the evidence. Using the search terms “chiropractic OR manual therapy” AND “Maintenance Care OR prevention”, PubMed and Web of Science were searched, and the titles and abstracts reviewed for eligibility, starting from 2007. In addition, a search for “The Nordic Maintenance Care Program” was conducted. Because of the diversity of topics and study designs, a systematic review with narrative reporting was undertaken. Fourteen original research articles were included in the review. Maintenance Care was defined as a secondary/tertiary preventive approach, recommended to patients with previous pain episodes, who respond well to chiropractic care. Maintenance Care is applied to approximately 30% of Scandinavian chiropractic patients. Both chiropractors and patients believe in the efficacy of Maintenance Care. Four studies investigating the effect of chiropractic Maintenance Care were identified, with disparate results on pain and disability of neck and back pain. However, only one of these studies utilized all the existing evidence when selecting study subjects and found that Maintenance Care patients experienced fewer days with low back pain compared to patients invited to contact their chiropractor ‘when needed’. No studies were found on the cost-effectiveness of Maintenance Care. Knowledge of chiropractic Maintenance Care has advanced. There is reasonable consensus among chiropractors on what Maintenance Care is, how it should be used, and its indications. Presently, Maintenance Care can be considered an evidence-based method to perform secondary or tertiary prevention in patients with previous episodes of low back pain, who report a good outcome from the initial treatments. However, these results should not be interpreted as an indication for Maintenance Care on all patients, who receive chiropractic treatment.
机译:维护护理是一种传统的脊椎按摩疗法,在达到最佳效益后,患者继续治疗。 1996年进行的一项审查得出结论,缺乏这种治疗战略背后的证据,2008年的第二次审查达到了相同的结论。从那时起,北欧国家的系统研究计划被承担以发现对维护的定义,适应症,使用和信念,以便可以调查其临床有用性和成本效益。结果,可以进行基于证据的临床研究。因此,它及时审查证据。使用搜索项“脊椎按摩术或手动疗法”和“维护或预防”,搜索PUBMED和WED和Web,从2007年开始,从2007年开始审查资格。此外,寻找“北欧维护照顾”计划“进行了。由于主题和研究设计的多样性,进行了与叙述报告的系统审查。审查中包含十四篇原始研究文章。维护护理被定义为二级/三级预防方法,推荐给患有先前疼痛发作的患者,他对脊椎按摩术进行反应。维护护理适用于斯堪的纳维亚脊椎按摩术患者的大约30%。脊椎治疗师和患者都相信维护治疗的疗效。鉴定了四项研究脊椎按摩疗法维护效果的研究,颈部和背部疼痛的疼痛和残疾导致疼痛。然而,这些研究中只有其中一个证据选择了研究受试者,发现维护患者患有较低的腰部疼痛,而邀请患者在需要时与脊椎按摩师联系'。没有研究维护费用的成本效益。脊椎按摩医疗保健的了解已先进。脊椎按摩师之间有合理的共识,关于维护护理,如何使用它以及其适应症。目前,维护护理可以被认为是一种基于证据的方法,以对患者进行次要的患者进行二次或叔初预防,患者从初始治疗中报告出良好的结果。然而,这些结果不应被解释为对接受脊椎按摩治疗的所有患者进行维护治疗的指示。



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