首页> 外文期刊>Cell discovery. >Pwp1 regulates telomere length by stabilizing shelterin complex and maintaining histone H4K20 trimethylation

Pwp1 regulates telomere length by stabilizing shelterin complex and maintaining histone H4K20 trimethylation




Telomere maintenance is critical for chromosome stability. Here we report that periodic tryptophan protein 1 (PWP1) is involved in regulating telomere length homeostasis. Pwp1 appears to be essential for mouse development and embryonic stem cell (ESC) survival, as homozygous Pwp1-knockout mice and ESCs have never been obtained. Heterozygous Pwp1-knockout mice had shorter telomeres and decreased reproductive capacity. Pwp1 depletion induced rapid telomere shortening accompanied by reduced shelterin complex and increased DNA damage in telomeric regions. Mechanistically, PWP1 bound and stabilized the shelterin complex via its WD40 domains and regulated the overall level of H4K20me3. The rescue of telomere length in Pwp1-deficient cells by PWP1 overexpression depended on SUV4-20H2 co-expression and increased H4K20me3. Therefore, our study revealed a novel protein involved in telomere homeostasis in both mouse and human cells. This knowledge will improve our understanding of how chromatin structure and histone modifications are involved in maintaining telomere integrity.? The Author(s) 2019.
机译:端粒维护对于染色体稳定性至关重要。在这里,我们报告称,周期性色氨酸蛋白1(PWP1)参与调节端粒长度稳态。 PWP1似乎对小鼠开发和胚胎干细胞(ESC)存活至关重要,因为从未获得过纯合的PWP1-Prookout小鼠和Esc。杂合的PWP1-kexpatut小鼠具有较短的端粒并降低繁殖能力。 PWP1耗竭诱导快速端粒缩短,伴随着减少的避难所复合物,并且端粒区域的DNA损伤增加。机械上,PWP1通过其WD40结构域结合并稳定避难剂复合物,并调节H4K20ME3的总水平。通过PWP1过表达抑制PWP1缺陷细胞中的端粒长度依赖于SCV4-20H2的Co-Depoft和H4K20Me3增加。因此,我们的研究揭示了在小鼠和人体细胞中参与Teleromere Sopostasis的新蛋白质。这种知识将改善我们对染色质结构和组蛋白修饰如何参与维持端粒完整性的理解。作者2019年。



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