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Ahd Hamidi: improving access to vaccine production capacity

机译:AHD Hamidi:改善对疫苗生产能力的访问



GH: You describe yourself as a bioprocesstechnologist. Can you explain what that is?AH: Someone who works on thedesign and development of equipmentand processes used to produce differentproducts from biological materials. Inmy case, vaccines.GH: How did you get into that field?AH: I studied chemical engineering at the Technical University in Delft,and at the time the degree included alife sciences component. That’s whereI first started taking an interest in theimmune system and antigen response.I did a master’s degree in industrialmicrobiology, focusing on antigen production, which is an upstream part ofthe development process. I then did asecond master's, known as a professionaldoctorate in engineering, focusing onantigen purification, which is a part ofthe downstream process. So, everythingcame together in my studies, leadingeventually to my focus on vaccines.
机译:GH:您将自己描述为生物过程技术学家。你能解释一下这是什么吗?啊:那些工作的人,用于从生物材料产生不同产品的设备和发展的人。 inmy案例,疫苗:你是怎么进入那个领域的?这是首先开始对目疫系统和抗原反应感兴趣的。我在工业生物学中做了硕士学位,专注于抗原生产,这是发展过程的上游部分。然后,我曾经做过亚克森硕士学位,称为工程中的专业权,重点介绍了onantigen净化,这是下游过程的一部分。所以,在我的学习中,一切都在一起,在我的研究中引起了我的关注疫苗。



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