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Priority setting in a context of insecurity, epidemiological transition and low financial risk protection, Afghanistan




In the last two decades, the Governmentof Afghanistan has achieved improvements in population health despiteserious episodes of violence. Between2000 and 2015, the maternal mortalityratio reduced from 1100 to 396 deathsper 100 000 live births1 and under-fivemortality from 257 to 55 per 1000 livebirths.2The high level of insecurity in someprovinces has had a negative effect onthe provision and coverage of healthservices, especially for child vaccination.However, thanks to the concerted effortsof all health system actors, between 2000and 2015 all provinces in the countryincreased the coverage of maternal andchild health services.3 Despite theseimprovements, significant differencesexist in terms of health outcomes andcoverage of health services, for instancebetween the poorest and the wealthiestpopulations, between rural and urbanareas, and between provinces.
机译:在过去的二十年中,阿富汗政府在暴力事件集中取得了改善。在2000年和2015年之间,母体念珠菌从1100〜396人死亡人数减少了100 000个活生药1,从257岁到每1000个腰跳的患者15岁.20匍匐的高度不安全的不安全性对卫生服务的拨款和覆盖产生了负面影响,特别是儿童疫苗接种。由于所有卫生系统行动者的协调努力,2000年到2015年间全部省份妇幼保健卫生服务的覆盖范围。尽管如此,卫生服务卫生事务的卫生成果和卫生服务持有的重要差异化态度。最贫穷和富裕的人,农村和乌丽莎之间,省之间。



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