首页> 外文期刊>BMC Nephrology >Autologous arteriovenous fistula is associated with superior outcomes in elderly hemodialysis patients

Autologous arteriovenous fistula is associated with superior outcomes in elderly hemodialysis patients




The number of elderly patients with end-stage renal disease is increasing rapidly. The higher prevalence of comorbidities and shorter life expectancy in these patients make it difficult to decide on the type of vascular access (VA). We explored the optimal choice for VA in elderly hemodialysis patients. We included elderly patients (?65?years) visiting our VA clinic and divided them into three groups as follows: radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (AVF), brachiocephalic AVF, and prosthetic arteriovenous graft (AVG). The primary outcomes were VA abandonment and all-cause mortality. The secondary outcome was maturation failure (MF). Of 529 patients, 61.2% were men. The mean age was 73.6?±?6.0?years. The VA types were as follows: 49.9% radiocephalic AVF, 31.8% brachiocephalic AVF, and 18.3% AVG. Patients with an AVG tended to be older, female, and have a lower body mass index. More than half of patients (n?=?302, 57.1%) started dialysis with central catheters, but the proportion of predialysis central catheter placement was not different among the VA types. Radiocephalic AVF was significantly superior to AVG in terms of VA abandonment (P?=?0.005) and all-cause mortality (P??0.001) in spite of a higher probability of MF. Brachiocephalic AVF was associated with a shorter time to the first needling and fewer interventions before maturation than radiocephalic AVF. Autologous AVF was suggested as the preferred VA choice in terms of long-term outcomes in elderly patients.
机译:末期肾病的老年患者的数量正在迅速增加。在这些患者中,合并症的患病率较高,寿命较短,使得难以决定血管进入(VA)的类型。我们探索了老年血液透析患者VA的最佳选择。我们包括老年患者(>?65?年)访问我们的VA诊所并将其分为三组:射粒术动瘘(AVF),肱骨术,AVF和假体动脉移植物(AVG)。主要结果是遗传和全部导致死亡率。二次结果是成熟衰竭(MF)。 529例患者,61.2%是男性。平均年龄为73.6?±6.0?年。 VA型如下:49.9%射肉AVF,31.8%的脑垂体AVF和18.3%的AVG。患有AVG的患者往往更老,女性,并具有较低的身体征地指数。超过一半的患者(N?= 302,57.1%)开始透析中央导管,但预测中央导管置入的比例在VA类型中没有不同。在VA遗弃(P?= 0.005)和全导致死亡率(P?<0.001)方面,射射射孔AVF显着优于AVG,尽管MF的概率较高。在比射孔AVF成熟之前,Brochiocephalic AVF与第一次针刺和更少的干预措施相关联。在老年患者的长期结果方面建议自体AVF作为优选的VA选择。



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