首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Transcriptomics of cytokinin and auxin metabolism and signaling genes during seed maturation in dormant and non-dormant wheat genotypes

Transcriptomics of cytokinin and auxin metabolism and signaling genes during seed maturation in dormant and non-dormant wheat genotypes




To gain insights into the roles of cytokinin (CK) and auxin in regulating dormancy during seed maturation in wheat, we examined changes in the levels of CK and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and expression?patterns of their metabolism and signaling genes in embryonic and endospermic tissues of dormant and non-dormant genotypes. Seed maturation was associated with a decrease in the levels of isopentenyladenine in both tissues mainly via repression of the CK biosynthetic TaLOG genes. Differential embryonic trans-zeatin content and expression patterns of the CK related genes including TacZOG, TaGLU and TaARR12 between maturing seeds of the two genotypes implicate CK in the control of seed dormancy induction and maintenance. Seed maturation induced a?decrease of IAA level in both tissues irrespective of genotype, and this appeared to be mediated by repression of specific?IAA biosynthesis, transport and IAA-conjugate hydrolysis genes. The differential embryonic IAA content and expression pattern of the IAA biosynthetic gene TaAO during the early stage of seed maturation between the two genotypes imply the role of IAA in dormancy induction. It appears from our data that the expression of specific auxin signaling genes including TaRUB, TaAXR and TaARF mediate the role of auxin signaling in dormancy induction and maintenance during seed maturation?in wheat.



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