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Better than DEET Repellent Compounds Derived from Coconut Oil




Hematophagous arthropods are capable of transmitting human and animal pathogens worldwide. Vector-borne diseases account for 17% of all infectious diseases resulting in 700,000 human deaths annually. Repellents are a primary tool for reducing the impact of biting arthropods on humans and animals. N,N-Diethyl- meta -toluamide (DEET), the most effective and long-lasting repellent currently available commercially, has long been considered the gold standard in insect repellents, but with reported human health issues, particularly for infants and pregnant women. In the present study, we report fatty acids derived from coconut oil which are novel, inexpensive and highly efficacious repellant compounds. These coconut fatty acids are active against a broad array of blood-sucking arthropods including biting flies, ticks, bed bugs and mosquitoes. The medium-chain length fatty acids from C8:0 to C12:0 were found to exhibit the predominant repellent activity. In laboratory bioassays, these fatty acids repelled biting flies and bed bugs for two weeks after application, and ticks for one week. Repellency was stronger and with longer residual activity than that of DEET. In addition, repellency was also found against mosquitoes. An aqueous starch-based formulation containing natural coconut fatty acids was also prepared and shown to protect pastured cattle from biting flies up to 96-hours in the hot summer, which, to our knowledge, is the longest protection provided by a natural repellent product studied to date.
机译:食血节肢动物能够在全球传播人类和动物病原体。媒介传播的疾病占所有传染病的17%,每年导致700,000人死亡。驱避剂是减少咬人节肢动物对人类和动物影响的主要工具。 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺(DEET)是目前市面上最有效,最持久的驱虫剂,长期以来一直被认为是驱虫剂的金标准,但据报道存在人类健康问题,尤其是对于婴儿和孕妇。在本研究中,我们报道了衍生自椰子油的脂肪酸,它们是新颖,廉价且高效的驱避剂化合物。这些椰子脂肪酸对多种吸血节肢动物具有活性,包括节食的苍蝇,tick,臭虫和蚊子。发现从C 8:0 到C 12:0 的中链脂肪酸具有主要的驱避活性。在实验室生物测定中,这些脂肪酸在使用后两周内驱除叮咬的苍蝇和臭虫,并在一周内剔除tick虫。驱避性比DEET强,并且具有更长的残留活性。此外,还发现了驱蚊剂。还制备了包含天然椰子脂肪酸的水性淀粉基配方,并显示出可以在炎热的夏季保护放牧的牛免于叮咬果蝇长达96小时,据我们所知,这是所研究的天然驱虫产品提供的最长保护期至今。


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