首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Dental pulp-derived stem cells can counterbalance peripheral nerve injury-induced oxidative stress and supraspinal neuro-inflammation in rat brain

Dental pulp-derived stem cells can counterbalance peripheral nerve injury-induced oxidative stress and supraspinal neuro-inflammation in rat brain




Previously, we reported the successful regeneration of injured peripheral nerves using human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) or differentiated neuronal cells from DPSCs (DF-DPSCs) in a rat model. Here, we attempted to evaluate oxidative stress and supraspinal neuro-inflammation in rat brain after sciatic nerve injury (SNI). We divided our experimental animals into three SNI groups based on time. The expression of a microglial (Iba1) marker and reactive oxygen species (ROS) was lower in DPSCs and higher in DF-DPSCs. In contrast, the expression of an astroglial (GFAP) marker was higher in DPSCs and lower in DF-DPSCs at 2 weeks. However, the expression of ROS, Iba1 and GFAP gradually decreased at 8 and 12 weeks in the SNI DPSCs and DF-DPSCs groups compared to the SNI control. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-4 and TGF-β) expression was lower at 2 weeks, while it gradually increased at 8 and 12 weeks after surgery in the SNI DPSCs and DF-DPSCs groups. Similarly, SNI DPSCs had a high expression of pAMPK, SIRT1 and NFkB at the onset of SNI. However, 12 weeks after surgery, pAMPK and SIRT1 expression levels were higher and NFkB was down-regulated in both DPSCs and DF-DPSCs compared to the control group. Finally, we concluded that DPSCs responded early and more efficiently than DF-DPSCs to counterbalance peripheral nerve injury (PNI)-induced oxidative stress and supraspinal neuro-inflammation in rat brain.
机译:先前,我们报道了在大鼠模型中使用人类牙髓干细胞(DPSC)或从DPSC分化的神经元细胞(DF-DPSCs)成功再生受伤的周围神经的方法。在这里,我们试图评估坐骨神经损伤(SNI)后大鼠脑中的氧化应激和脊髓上神经炎。我们根据时间将实验动物分为三个SNI组。小胶质细胞(Iba1)标记和活性氧(ROS)的表达在DPSCs中较低,而在DF-DPSCs中较高。相反,在2周时,星形胶质细胞(GFAP)标记的表达在DPSC中较高,而在DF-DPSC中较低。然而,与SNI对照相比,SNI DPSC和DF-DPSCs组中ROS,Iba1和GFAP的表达在8周和12周时逐渐降低。此外,在SNI DPSC和DF-DPSCs组中,抗炎细胞因子(IL-4和TGF-β)的表达在2周时降低,而在术后8周和12周时逐渐升高。同样,SNI DPSC在SNI发作时具有高表达的pAMPK,SIRT1和NFkB。然而,与对照组相比,术后12周,DPSCs和DF-DPSCs中pAMPK和SIRT1的表达水平更高,NFkB被下调。最后,我们得出的结论是,DPSCs在抵抗大鼠周围神经损伤(PNI)诱导的氧化应激和脊髓上神经炎方面比DF-DPSCs更早,更有效。



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