首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Lateralized insular activation/deactivation as a result of active learning

Lateralized insular activation/deactivation as a result of active learning




Learning to draw or to play music are prime examples of complex active learning that engages sensorimotor integration, working memory, perception-action associations and emotions. Recent studies have discovered striking unilateral activation in left insular cortex for listening to melodies previously rehearsed on a musical instrument but not for unrehearsed melodies. It is not known, however, if practice in visual art would have an analogous effect. Methods: Using fMRI before and after active training to draw faces and objects, we compared brain activity under i) passive image viewing, ii) active reproduction by drawing from memory, iii) copying while viewing the images, and iv) non-image drawing (scribble) as a motor-control. Results: As predicted, left insula was activated during viewing of actively practiced images. Remarkably, however, massively increased fMRI responses to practiced vs unpracticed images were found in left anterior insula during both types of image drawing - from memory, and copying (but not for scribbling, thus eliminating pure motor-related explanations). Face and object activation largely overlapped, with face activation significantly stronger and shifted anteriorly. Striking post-training deactivation developed in right insula, which has recently been assigned a critical role in switching between central-executive and default-mode networks. Conclusions. Our results provide evidence against the classic view of perception and action as two extremes of mental operations, and instead support an emerging integrated view. Because these insular regions are involved in the regulation of visceral changes related to emotional states, its differential involvement in skilled drawing and music activities suggests a role in embodied cognition. Moreover, such drawing-related behaviors are a useful model of general perception-action mechanisms, bidirectional interactions between the visual and motor systems during active learning and how they develop through training. The functional connectivity and relations of insula with the respective networks will be discussed.
机译:学习绘画或演奏音乐是复杂的主动学习的主要示例,该学习涉及感觉运动整合,工作记忆,知觉行为联想和情感。最近的研究发现,在聆听之前在乐器上练习过的旋律时,左小岛皮质的单侧激活很明显,但对于未练习过的旋律却没有。但是,不知道视觉艺术实践是否会产生类似的效果。方法:我们在主动训练前后使用fMRI绘制面部和物体,我们比较了i)被动图像查看,ii)通过从内存中绘制图像进行主动复制,iii)在查看图像时进行复制以及iv)非图像绘制下的大脑活动。 (涂鸦)作为电动机控制。结果:如预期的那样,在观看积极练习的图像期间激活了左岛。然而,值得注意的是,在两种类型的图像绘制过程中-从内存和复制过程中,左前岛绝缘层均发现fMRI对已练习和未练习图像的反应大大增强(但不是为了作画,因此消除了单纯的运动相关解释)。面部和物体的激活在很大程度上重叠,面部激活明显更强并且向前移动。在右岛中开发了惊人的训练后停用功能,最近在中央执行网络和默认模式网络之间进行切换时,这已被赋予了至关重要的作用。结论。我们的结果提供了证据,反对将观念和行为视为心理操作的两个极端的经典观点,相反,它支持了一种新兴的综合观点。由于这些岛区参与了与情绪状态有关的内脏变化的调节,因此其在熟练的绘画和音乐活动中的不同参与表明了其在体现认知方面的作用。此外,此类与绘画有关的行为是通用感知动作机制,主动学习期间视觉系统与运动系统之间的双向交互以及它们如何通过训练发展的有用模型。将讨论绝缘与各个网络的功能连接性和关系。



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