首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Audiovisual events capture attention: Evidence from temporal order judgments

Audiovisual events capture attention: Evidence from temporal order judgments




Is an irrelevant audiovisual event able to guide attention automatically? In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were asked to make a temporal order judgment (TOJ) about which of two dots (left or right) appeared first. In Experiment 3, participants were asked to make a simultaneity judgment (SJ) instead. Such tasks have been shown to be affected by attention. Lateral to each of the dots, nine irrelevant distractors continuously changed color. Prior to the presentation of the first dot, a spatially non-informative tone was synchronized with the color change of one of these distractors, either on the same side or on the opposite side of the first dot. Even though both the tone and the distractors were completely irrelevant to the task, TOJs were affected by the synchronized distractor. TOJs were not affected when the tone was absent or synchronized with distractors on both sides. SJs were also affected by the synchronized distractor, ruling out an alternative response bias hypothesis. We conclude that audiovisual synchrony guides attention in an exogenous manner.
机译:无关的视听事件是否能够自动引导注意力?在实验1和2中,要求参与者做出时间顺序判断(TOJ),以先出现两个点(左或右)中的哪一个。在实验3中,要求参与者进行同时性判断(SJ)。已经表明,此类任务会受到关注的影响。在每个点的侧面,九个无关紧要的干扰物不断改变颜色。在出现第一个点之前,在第一个点的同一侧或相反侧,将与空间无关的音调与这些干扰点之一的颜色变化同步。即使语气和干扰因素与任务完全无关,但TOJ受同步干扰因素影响。当两侧都没有干扰音或与干扰音同步时,TOJ不会受到影响。 SJ也受同步牵张器的影响,排除了另一种反应偏见假设。我们得出结论,视听同步以外生方式引导注意力。



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