首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >The role of co-circularity of local elements in texture perception

The role of co-circularity of local elements in texture perception




The present study analyzes the effect of local pairwise orientation relations on the perception of textural structure. We have employed a new class of stochastic stimuli comprised of paired Gabor patches with a particular orientation difference ( θ) and relative angular position ( ?). We measured the threshold proportion of signal pairs for discriminating the target texture from a noise texture comprised of randomly oriented pairs. The results showed that observers were sensitive not only to textures containing pairs with curvilinear configurations such as lines and curves ( ? = θ / 2), but also to their orthogonal configurations such as V shapes and parallels ( ? = θ / 2 + 90). Both classes of configuration exhibit the property of co-circularity, a fundamental geometric feature of edges and contours in natural images. We also found higher sensitivity for textures made from orientation pairs with either large or small orientation differences. These results suggest that in addition to orientation difference, co-circularity plays a critical role in the perception of orientation-based textural structure.
机译:本研究分析了局部成对取向关系对纹理结构感知的影响。我们采用了一类新的随机刺激,其中包括成对的Gabor斑块,它们具有特定的方向差(θ)和相对角位置(θ)。我们测量了信号对的阈值比例,以区分目标纹理和由随机定向的噪声对组成的噪声纹理。结果表明,观察者不仅对包含具有曲线配置的线对(例如,线和曲线(α=θ/ 2))敏感,而且对它们的正交配置(例如V形和平行线(α=θ/ 2 + 90))敏感。 。两种配置都表现出同圆性,这是自然图像中边缘和轮廓的基本几何特征。我们还发现,由方向差异较大或较小的方向对制成的纹理具有更高的灵敏度。这些结果表明,除了取向差异外,同圆度在基于取向的纹理结构的感知中也起着关键作用。



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