首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bacteriology >Effect of Light Intensity on the Formation of the Photochemical Apparatus in the Green Bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum

Effect of Light Intensity on the Formation of the Photochemical Apparatus in the Green Bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum




Holt, Stanley C. (Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, N.H.), S. F. Conti, and R. C. Fuller. Effect of light intensity on the formation of the photochemical apparatus in the green bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum. J. Bacteriol. >91:349–355. 1966.—When the green bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum was grown at various light intensities, the formation of the photosynthetic vesicles was found to be an inverse function of the light intensity at which the cells were grown. The specific chlorophyll content of isolated vesicles varied as the light intensity was changed over a wide range. Thus, the regulation of chlorophyll content in C. ethylicum in response to a change in light intensity is achieved both by a change in the number of vesicles that are formed and by a change in the specific chlorophyll content of these vesicles.
机译:Holt,Stanley C.(达特茅斯医学院,新罕布什尔州汉诺威),S。F. Conti和R. C. Fuller。光强度对绿色细菌 Chloropseudomonasethylicum 的光化学装置形成的影响。 J.细菌。 > 91: 349-355。 1966年。当绿色细菌 Chloropseudomonasethylicum 在各种光强度下生长时,发现光合囊泡的形成与细胞生长时的光强度成反比。分离的囊泡的特定叶绿素含量随着光强度在宽范围内变化而变化。因此,调控 C中叶绿素含量。通过改变形成的囊泡的数量和改变这些囊泡的特定叶绿素含量,可以实现对光强度变化的响应。



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