首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Low Grade Central Osteosarcoma-A Diagnostic Challenge

Low Grade Central Osteosarcoma-A Diagnostic Challenge




Low Grade Central Osteosarcoma (LGCO) is a rare intramedullary and well differentiated variant of osteosarcoma with a betterprognosis than the more common conventional variant. It was frst described by Unni et al., in 1977. Due to its subtle histologicalfeatures of malignancy, it is diffcult to diagnose on biopsy. Even in the resection specimen it can be mistaken for lesions likefbrous dysplasia, desmoplastic fbroma, parosteal osteosarcoma and fbrosarcoma. Adequate sampling of the tumour is essentialto arrive at a correct diagnosis. Histological features such as cytological atypia, mitotic activity, permeation into the bone marrow,entrapment of the native bone, cortical disruption and soft tissue extension will help in the diagnosis of this tumour. We report acase of a 30-year-old man who presented with pain in the right hip of three months duration. On radiological evaluation, a lyticlesion was noted in the upper part of right femur and a possible diagnosis of locally aggressive giant cell tumour of bone wasproposed. On histopathological study of the resected upper part of the right femur, a diagnosis of LGCO was rendered.



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