首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Focal Adhesion Kinase Expression in Ameloblastoma: A Preliminary Observational Study ZC47-ZC50

Focal Adhesion Kinase Expression in Ameloblastoma: A Preliminary Observational Study ZC47-ZC50




Introduction: Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is a membrane-associated molecule, which plays a major role in tumourigenesis by promoting cell survival, proliferation, migration, and invasion. Hence, FAK is a well known molecule that has been targeted therapeutically for the treatment of various malignancies. Ameloblastoma (AB) is a locally invasive, destructive and recurrent benign odontogenic lesion. Based on these properties, we have hypothesized that odontogenic epithelium of AB could show increased expression of FAK.Aim: To study the expression of FAK in odontogenic epithelium of AB using immunohistochemistry.Materials and Methods: Thirty four paraffin embedded AB and 17 Dental Follicle (DF) tissues were retrieved from archives. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using FAK antibody on 5 μm thick formalin fixed paraffin embedded sections. The expression of FAK was studied in ameloblast like cells and stellate reticulum-like cells and was graded as negative, weak and strong. The data was analysed using chi-square test and Fisher's-exact test.Results: In AB, both ameloblast like and stellate reticulum like cells showed positive expression of FAK in the cytoplasm in all the cases (34). The epithelial islands from all the DFs (17) were negative for FAK expression. The difference in the expression of FAK in ameloblast like and stellate reticulum like cells was statistically significant (p<0.0001). Statistically significant difference was observed in the expression of FAK in stellate reticulum like cells of AB and odontogenic epithelial islands of DF (p = 0.0017). All the AB cases showed strong expression of FAK in ameloblast like cells and negative expression was seen in all the cases of DF.Conclusion: FAK was strongly expressed in AB as compared to epithelial islands of DF. FAK could be responsible for the neoplastic nature of AB and possibly play a role in tumour invasiveness.
机译:简介:黏着斑激酶(FAK)是一种与膜相关的分子,通过促进细胞存活,增殖,迁移和入侵,在肿瘤发生中起主要作用。因此,FAK是众所周知的分子,已经在治疗上靶向了各种恶性肿瘤。成釉细胞瘤(AB)是一种局部侵袭性,破坏性和复发性良性牙源性病变。基于这些特性,我们假设AB的牙源性上皮可以显示FAK的表达增加。目的:使用免疫组织化学研究FAK在AB的牙源性上皮中的表达。材料与方法:34个石蜡包埋的AB和17个牙囊( DF)组织从档案中检索。使用FAK抗体在5μm厚的福尔马林固定石蜡包埋切片上进行免疫组织化学染色。研究了FAK在成釉细胞样细胞和星状网状样细胞中的表达,并分为阴性,弱和强。结果:在AB中,成釉细胞样和星状网状样细胞在所有情况下均在细胞质中表达FAK(34)。来自所有DF的上皮岛(17)对FAK表达阴性。 FAK在成釉细胞样和星状网状样细胞中表达的差异具有统计学意义(p <0.0001)。在AB的星状网状细胞和DF的牙源性上皮岛中,FAK的表达在统计学上有显着差异(p = 0.0017)。所有AB病例在成釉细胞样细胞中均显示出FAK的强表达,并且在所有DF病例中均观察到阴性表达。 FAK可能负责AB的肿瘤性质,并可能在肿瘤侵袭性中起作用。



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