首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Students? attitudes towards the use of audio visual aids during didactic lectures in pharmacology

Students? attitudes towards the use of audio visual aids during didactic lectures in pharmacology




IntroductionStudents favour teaching methods employing audiovisual aids over didactic lectures not using these aids. However, the optimum use of audiovisual aids is essential for deriving their benefits. This study was done to know the students? preference regarding the various audiovisual aids, with an aim to improve their use in didactic lectures.MethodsTwo hundred and fifty seven fifth semester medical students were invited to participate in a questionnaire based study. Two hundred and twenty four (87.2%) students completed the questionnaire and their responses were analyzed. The first part of the questionnaire included demographic and educational details. The second part consisted of 12 statements regarding the preference of audiovisual aids for various aspects of learning. Results41.1% were female students. 85.3% of the students preferred the use of audiovisual aids during didactic lectures. A mixture of audiovisual aids during didactic lectures was preferred (42.4%), especially for understanding a particular topic. Females were more likely to take notes during the class lecture (p<0.001). Males preferred handouts over self made notes (p<0.001). Students from government institutions preferred power point presentations for understanding the subject matter (p=0.03), while those from private schools preferred the blackboard (p=0.04).ConclusionOur study demonstrates that lectures delivered by using a mixture of audio visual aids are more appreciated by the students. Furthermore, the lecture should be constructed in a fashion so as to enable the students to gather factual information easily and in a concise manner. Teachers should note that the students preferred a combination of visual aids and were interested in taking notes during lectures.
机译:简介与不使用这些工具的教学讲法相比,学生更喜欢使用视听工具的讲授方法。但是,最佳使用视听辅助设备对于获得其好处至关重要。进行这项研究是为了了解学生?方法257名第五学期的医学生被邀请参加以问卷调查为基础的研究。 224名(87.2%)学生完成了问卷调查,并对他们的回答进行了分析。问卷的第一部分包括人口统计和教育细节。第二部分包括12条关于视听教具对学习各个方面的偏爱的陈述。结果41.1%是女学生。 85.3%的学生更喜欢在教学讲课中使用视听教具。最好在教学讲课中混合使用视听辅助工具(42.4%),特别是对于理解特定主题。女性在课堂上做笔记的可能性更大(p <0.001)。男性更喜欢讲义而不是自制笔记(p <0.001)。来自政府机构的学生更喜欢使用简报演示文稿来理解主题(p = 0.03),而来自私立学校的学生更喜欢使用黑板演示文稿(p = 0.04)。结论我们的研究表明,使用混合视听辅助工具进行的演讲更为赞赏由学生。此外,讲座的结构应以使学生能够轻松,简洁地收集事实信息为目的。教师应注意,学生更喜欢视觉辅助设备的组合,并且有兴趣在课堂上做笔记。



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