首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Cultures of Needleless Connectors Are Useful for Ruling Out Central Venous Catheter Colonization

Cultures of Needleless Connectors Are Useful for Ruling Out Central Venous Catheter Colonization




Semiquantitative cultures of skin surrounding intravascular catheter entry sites and catheter hubs have high negative predictive values for catheter tip colonization. However, culturing samples from the inner side of the hub requires the catheter to be manipulated, thus increasing the risk of migration of microorganisms into the bloodstream. Today, hubs are closed using needleless connectors (NCs). Cultures of NCs could predict catheter colonization. Our objective was to compare the yield of NC sonicate cultures for prediction of catheter colonization with that of hub cultures. For 6 months, we prospectively collected all short-term central lines and systems removed from patients admitted to the cardiac surgery postoperative care unit, irrespective of the reason for withdrawal. Hub cultures were obtained immediately before withdrawal and were cultured using a semiquantitative method. Catheter tips were cultured using the roll-plate technique and sonication, and NCs were cultured using a semiquantitative technique after sonication. We considered NCs to be colonized when ≥1 culture was positive. We collected a total of 75 central systems. The catheter colonization rate was 10.7%. The rates for hub and NC colonization were 6.7% and 12.0%, respectively. The validity values for hubs and NCs for prediction of catheter colonization were as follows: sensitivity, 25.0% and 87.5%; specificity, 95.5% and 97.0%; positive predictive value, 40.0% and 77.8%; negative predictive value, 91.4% and 98.5%; validity index, 88.0% and 96.0%, respectively. Cultures of closed NCs can be used to rule out catheter tip colonization and are superior to hub cultures in ruling out short-term central venous catheter colonization.
机译:血管内导管进入部位和导管接头周围皮肤的半定量培养对于导管尖端定植具有较高的阴性预测值。然而,从毂的内侧培养样品需要操纵导管,因此增加了微生物迁移到血液中的风险。如今,使用无针连接器(NC)关闭了轮毂。 NCs的培养可以预测导管定植。我们的目标是比较用于预测导管定植的NC超声培养物的产量与集线器培养物的产量。在六个月的时间里,我们前瞻性地收集了从心脏外科术后护理单位收治的患者中移除的所有短期中心线和系统,无论其退出原因为何。停药前立即获得了毂培养物,并使用半定量方法进行培养。使用滚板技术和超声处理培养导管尖端,超声处理后使用半定量技术培养NC。当≥1培养阳性时,我们认为NCs被定殖。我们总共收集了75个中央系统。导管定植率为10.7%。中心和NC定殖率分别为6.7%和12.0%。集线器和NCs预测导管定植的有效性值如下:敏感性分别为25.0%和87.5%;特异性为95.5%和97.0%;阳性预测值分别为40.0%和77.8%;阴性预测值分别为91.4%和98.5%;有效性指数分别为88.0%和96.0%。封闭式NCs的培养可用于排除导管尖端的定植,并且在排除短期中心静脉导管定植方面优于集线器培养。



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