首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >?2GFP10, a High-Intensity Fluorophage, Enables Detection and Rapid Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Directly from Sputum Samples

?2GFP10, a High-Intensity Fluorophage, Enables Detection and Rapid Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Directly from Sputum Samples




The difficulty of diagnosing active tuberculosis (TB) and lack of rapid drug susceptibility testing (DST) at the point of care remain critical obstacles to TB control. This report describes a high-intensity mycobacterium-specific-fluorophage (?2GFP10) that for the first time allows direct visualization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical sputum samples. Engineered features distinguishing ?2GFP10 from previous reporter phages include an improved vector backbone with increased cloning capacity and superior expression of fluorescent reporter genes through use of an efficient phage promoter. ?2GFP10 produces a 100-fold increase in fluorescence per cell compared to existing reporter phages. DST for isoniazid and oxofloxacin, carried out in cultured samples, was complete within 36 h. Use of ?2GFP10 detected M. tuberculosis in clinical sputum samples collected from TB patients. DST for rifampin and kanamycin from sputum samples yielded results after 12 h of incubation with ?2GFP10. Fluorophage ?2GFP10 has potential for clinical development as a rapid, sensitive, and inexpensive point-of-care diagnostic tool for M. tuberculosis infection and for rapid DST.
机译:诊断活动性结核病(TB)的困难以及护理时缺乏快速药敏试验(DST)仍然是控制结核病的关键障碍。该报告描述了一种高强度分枝杆菌特异性荧光噬菌体(? 2 GFP10),首次可在临床痰液样本中直接显示结核分枝杆菌。区别β 2 GFP10和以前报道的噬菌体的工程特征包括改进的载体主链,具有增强的克隆能力,并且通过使用有效的噬菌体启动子可以更好地表达荧光报道基因。与现有的报道噬菌体相比,α 2 GFP10使每个细胞的荧光增加100倍。在培养样品中进行的异烟肼和氧氟沙星的DST在36小时内完成。使用? 2 GFP10检测结核分枝杆菌临床痰标本中的结核分枝杆菌。用? 2 GFP10孵育12小时后,痰标本中的利福平和卡那霉素的DST产生了结果。噬菌体? 2 GFP10作为用于结核分枝杆菌感染和快速DST的快速,灵敏和廉价的即时诊断工具,具有潜在的临床开发潜力。



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