首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cell biology >Fine Structure of Cellular Inclusions in Measles Virus Infections

Fine Structure of Cellular Inclusions in Measles Virus Infections




Cells which are infected with measles virus have been known for some time to contain inclusion material that is distinguishable from normal cellular components by application of traditional staining methods and observation in the light microscope. The fine structure of the inclusion material contained in HeLa cells infected with Edmonston strain of measles virus has been examined in the electron microscope. Two steps have been found necessary in this study: (1) the recognition by phase-contrast microscopy of the living cell of bodies that are defined as inclusion material when the cells are classically stained; and (2) the recognition in the electron microscope of inclusion-body material that had previously been identified in the living cell.The fine structure of the nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion material in osmium-treated cells was found to consist mainly of randomly arrayed filaments of low electron density. Dense, highly ordered arrays of filaments were found near the center of the nuclear inclusions, sometimes as a two-dimensional, nearly orthogonal arrangement. If the size of the measles virus is taken to be around 100 mμ in diameter, the strands seen in the inclusions cannot be fully formed virus.
机译:一段时间以来,已知已被麻疹病毒感染的细胞含有通过常规染色方法和在光学显微镜下观察可与正常细胞成分区分开的包涵物。用电子显微镜检查了被麻疹病毒埃德蒙斯顿株感染的HeLa细胞中所含包涵体材料的精细结构。在这项研究中发现有两个步骤是必要的:(1)通过相差显微镜识别活细胞时,对活体细胞进行了经典的染色,这些活体被定义为包含物。 (2)在电子显微镜下识别先前在活细胞中发现的包涵体材料。发现处理细胞中核和细胞质包涵体材料的精细结构主要由无规排列的细丝组成。电子密度低。在核包裹体的中心附近发现了密集的,高度有序的细丝阵列,有时呈二维,近乎正交的排列。如果将麻疹病毒的大小定为直径约100mμ,则夹杂物中可见的链不能完全形成病毒。



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