首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Capillary Electrophoresis–Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis for Rapid Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Other Gram-Negative Nonfermenting Bacilli Recovered from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

Capillary Electrophoresis–Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis for Rapid Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Other Gram-Negative Nonfermenting Bacilli Recovered from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis




We used capillary electrophoresis–single-strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments for rapid identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other gram-negative nonfermenting bacilli isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Target sequences were amplified by using forward and reverse primers labeled with various fluorescent dyes. The labeled PCR products were denatured by heating and separated by capillary gel electrophoresis with an automated DNA sequencer. Data were analyzed with GeneScan 672 software. This program made it possible to control lane-to-lane variability by standardizing the peak positions relative to internal DNA size markers. Thirty-four reference strains belonging to the genera Pseudomonas,Brevundimonas, Burkholderia,Comamonas, Ralstonia,Stenotrophomonas, and Alcaligenes were tested with primer sets spanning 16S rRNA gene regions with various degrees of polymorphism. The best results were obtained with the primer set P11P-P13P, which spans a moderately polymorphic region (Escherichia coli 16S rRNA positions 1173 to 1389 [M. N. Widjojoatmodjo, A. C. Fluit, and J. Verhoef, J. Clin. Microbiol. 32:3002–3007, 1994]). This primer set differentiated the main CF pathogens from closely related species but did not distinguishP. aeruginosa from Pseudomonas alcaligenes-Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes and Alcaligenes xylosoxidans from Alcaligenes denitrificans. Two hundred seven CF clinical isolates (153 of P. aeruginosa, 26 of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, 15 ofBurkholderia spp., and 13 of A. xylosoxidans) were tested with P11P-P13P. The CE-SSCP patterns obtained were identical to those for the corresponding reference strains. Fluorescence-based CE-SSCP analysis is simple to use, gives highly reproducible results, and makes it possible to analyze a large number of strains. This approach is suited for the rapid identification of the main gram-negative nonfermenting bacilli encountered in CF.
机译:我们使用毛细管电泳-单链构象多态性(CE-SSCP)分析PCR扩增的16S rRNA基因片段,以快速鉴定从囊性纤维化患者中分离出的铜绿假单胞菌和其他革兰氏阴性非发酵菌(CF)。通过使用标记有各种荧光染料的正向和反向引物扩增靶序列。通过加热使标记的PCR产物变性,并使用自动DNA测序仪通过毛细管凝胶电泳进行分离。用GeneScan 672软件分析数据。该程序可以通过标准化相对于内部DNA大小标记的峰位置来控制泳道到泳道的可变性。属于假单胞菌 Brevundimonas Burkholderia Comamonas Ralstonia < / em>, Stenotrophomonas Alcaligenes 用跨越16S rRNA基因区域且具有不同程度多态性的引物组进行了测试。引物组P11P-P13P跨中等程度的多态性区域(大肠杆菌 16S rRNA位置1173至1389)获得了最佳结果[MN Widjojoatmodjo,AC Fluit和J. Verhoef,J. Clin [Microbiol。32:3002-3007,1994]。该引物组将主要的CF病原体与密切相关的物种区分开来,但没有区分 P。产自反硝化拟南芥假单胞菌-拟假单胞菌拟绿假单胞菌木糖氧化拟南芥的铜绿假单胞菌。 207个CF临床分离株(铜绿假单胞菌153个,嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌 153个,伯克霍尔德菌 spp。15个和 13个> A。xylosoxidans )用P11P-P13P测试。获得的CE-SSCP图谱与相应参考菌株的图谱相同。基于荧光的CE-SSCP分析易于使用,可提供高度可重复的结果,并可以分析大量菌株。此方法适合快速鉴定CF中遇到的主要革兰氏阴性非发酵菌。


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