首页> 外文期刊>Journal of animal science >Evaluation of moderate to high elevation effects on pulmonary arterial pressure measures in Angus cattle

Evaluation of moderate to high elevation effects on pulmonary arterial pressure measures in Angus cattle




Altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension is a disease once thought to only occur at extremely high elevations (1,600 m), but recently, it has been observed at moderate elevations of 1,200 to 1,600 m. Pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) has been used as an indicator of tolerance to high altitude in mountainous beef production systems for over 30 yr. The trait is typically measured on yearling bulls and heifers with values ≤ 41 mmHg being favorable. These observations were historically only considered valid when they were recorded at elevations ≥ 1,600 m; however, if observations from lower (i.e., moderate) elevations were reliable indicators, a greater number of cattle records could be used in genetic improvement programs for high-altitude beef systems. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relationship between PAP and elevation, as well as to determine whether PAP measures obtained at moderate elevations (ME) less than 1,600 m have a genetic relationship with PAP observations obtained at high elevations (HE) 1,600 m or greater. Elevation and PAP data from purebred Angus cattle (n = 14,665) from 349 contemporary groups were used in the analyses. Elevation and PAP averaged 1,887 ± 1.8 m and 43.0 ± 0.1 mm Hg, respectively. A univariate model containing the effects of sex, age, elevation category (HE vs. ME), elevation (continuous), and elevation category by elevation interaction along with a random direct genetic effect was utilized to determine the relationship between PAP and elevation. In this model, all main effects were found to be significant contributors of variation in PAP (P 0.001). The interaction between elevation category and elevation was not a significant contributor to variability of PAP (P 0.05). A bivariate animal model was then used to evaluate the relationship between PAP observations obtained between HE and ME groups. Heritability estimates for these 2 groups were 0.34 ± 0.03 and 0.29 ± 0.09, respectively, and their genetic correlation was 0.83 ± 0.15. Even though this is a strong genetic relationship, results of this study support the hypothesis that PAP observations collected at HE and ME are not perfectly, genetically related. Results suggest that PAP measures collected from 1,219 to 1,600 m may be useful as a correlated trait in a multitrait genetic evaluation to produce EPD useful for selection of animals with reduced susceptibility to pulmonary hypertension.
机译:曾经认为海拔高度引起的肺动脉高压仅在极高的海拔(> 1,600 m)处发生,但最近在1200至1,600 m的中等海拔上被观察到。超过30年以来,肺动脉压(PAP)已被用作山区牛肉生产系统对高海拔的耐受性指标。该性状通常在一岁公牛和小母牛身上测得,值≤41 mmHg是有利的。从历史上看,只有在海拔≥1600 m时才记录这些观测值。但是,如果从较低(即中等)海拔观察到的数据是可靠的指标,则可以在高海拔牛肉系统的遗传改良计划中使用更多的牛记录。这项研究的目的是评估PAP与海拔高度之间的关系,以及确定在小于1600 m的中等海拔(ME)下获得的PAP措施是否与在1,600 m的高海拔(HE)下获得的PAP观测值具有遗传关系。或更高。分析使用了来自349个当代群体的纯种安格斯牛(n = 14,665)的高程和PAP数据。高程和PAP平均分别为1,887±1.8 m Hg和43.0±0.1 mm Hg。利用包含性别,年龄,海拔类别(HE与ME),海拔(连续)和海拔类别(通过海拔相互作用)以及随机直接遗传效应的影响的单变量模型来确定PAP与海拔之间的关系。在该模型中,发现所有主要影响都是PAP变异的重要因素(P <0.001)。海拔类别与海拔之间的相互作用并不是PAP变异的重要因素(P> 0.05)。然后使用双变量动物模型评估HE和ME组之间获得的PAP观察值之间的关系。这两组的遗传力估计分别为0.34±0.03和0.29±0.09,其遗传相关性为0.83±0.15。即使这是一个很强的遗传关系,本研究的结果仍支持这样的假设,即在HE和ME处收集的PAP观察值与遗传关系并不完美。结果表明,从1,219至1,600 m处收集的PAP措施可用作多特征遗传评估中的相关性状,以产生EPD,可用于选择对肺动脉高压易感性降低的动物。



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