首页> 外文期刊>World Journal of Gastroenterology >Helicobacter pylori infection with intestinal metaplasia: An independent risk factor for colorectal adenomas

Helicobacter pylori infection with intestinal metaplasia: An independent risk factor for colorectal adenomas




AIM To explore the association between Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) infection status, intestinal metaplasia (IM), and colorectal adenomas. METHODS We retrospectively reviewed 1641 individuals aged ≥ 40 years who underwent physical examination, laboratory testing, 13C-urea breath testing, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and an interview to ascertain baseline characteristics and general state of health. Histopathological results were obtained by gastric and colorectal biopsies. RESULTS The prevalence of H. pylori infection and adenomas was 51.5% (845/1641) and 18.1% (297/1641), respectively. H. pylori infection was significantly correlated with an increased risk of colorectal adenomas (crude OR = 1.535, 95%CI: 1.044-1.753, P = 0.022; adjusted OR = 1.359, 95%CI: 1.035-1.785, P = 0.028). Individuals with IM had an elevated risk of colorectal adenomas (crude OR = 1.664, 95%CI: 1.216-2.277, P = 0.001; adjusted OR = 1.381, 95%CI: 0.998-1.929, P = 0.059). Stratification based on H. pylori infection stage and IM revealed that IM accompanied by H. pylori infection was significantly associated with an increased risk of adenomas (crude OR = 2.109, 95%CI: 1.383-3.216, P = 0.001; adjusted OR = 1.765, 95%CI: 1.130-2.757, P = 0.012). CONCLUSION H. pylori -related IM is associated with a high risk of colorectal adenomas in Chinese individuals.
机译:目的探讨幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori)感染状况,肠化生(IM)和结直肠腺瘤之间的关系。方法我们回顾性检查了1641例40岁以上40岁以上的人,这些人接受了身体检查,实验室检查, 13 C-尿素呼气检查,胃镜检查,结肠镜检查和访谈,以确定基线特征和总体健康状况。通过胃和结肠直肠活检获得组织病理学结果。结果幽门螺杆菌感染和腺瘤的患病率分别为51.5%(845/1641)和18.1%(297/1641)。幽门螺杆菌感染与结直肠腺瘤风险增加显着相关(粗OR = 1.535,95%CI:1.044-1.753,P = 0.022;校正OR = 1.359,95%CI:1.035-1.785,P = 0.028)。患有IM的个体患大肠腺瘤的风险较高(粗OR = 1.664,95%CI:1.216-2.277,P = 0.001;校正OR = 1.381,95%CI:0.998-1.929,P = 0.059)。根据幽门螺杆菌感染阶段和IM进行的分层显示,IM伴随幽门螺杆菌感染与腺瘤风险增加显着相关(粗OR = 2.109,95%CI:1.383-3.216,P = 0.001;调整后OR = 1.765 ,95%CI:1.130-2.757,P = 0.012)。结论幽门螺杆菌相关的IM与中国人大肠腺瘤的高风险有关。



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