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What It Means to be a New Classical Economist




The New Classical School works with rational expectations and full flexibility of prices and wages in all markets. The concept of rational expectations hypothesis (REH) was first introduced by J.F. Muth (1961). Robert E.R. Lucas Jr. (1972) developed and popularized this hypothesis. Thomas Sargent, Neil Wallace, Robert Barro are other distinguished representatives of this school. What is important in the New Classical School is first of all the assumption of full flexibility of prices and wages. As a result of this assumption, all markets will reach perfect equilibrium, economy will automatically settle at the point of full-employment. Unemployment will be voluntary which will be denoted as “natural rate of unemployment”. According to REH, on the other hand, all the economic agents have full knowledge and information about economic decisions – including government policies and their effects – and take into account their future expectations in a right way. In this case, the government policies which will be expected and known to everybody will be already taken into account and the decisions on prices and quantities are formed accordingly, thus prices are formed in a complex fashion. In this manner, efficiency of government policies neutralized. Hence, as much as Keynesian financial policies, monetarist monetary policies are ineffective as well. The only effective impact in economy seems to be “unexpected shocks” and accordingly “unexpected” or “shock”. New Classical School have had weight after 70s due to inflationary effects of the Vietnam War and the stagflation following 1973-1974 oil shock. Hence the economic conservatism both during Regan era in the United States and Thatcher era in Britain effected the policy implementations for a while. However, it was not possible to prevent inflation; on the contrary, unemployment reached a new and higher dimension. Therefore, once more but this time with more cautious approach, a mix Keynesian and Monetarist policy implementation was adopted.
机译:新古典学校在所有市场上都具有合理的期望和充分的价格和工资灵活性。理性期望假设(REH)的概念最早由J.F. Muth(1961)提出。小罗伯特·E·R·卢卡斯(1972)提出并推广了这一假设。托马斯·萨金特,尼尔·华莱士,罗伯特·巴罗是这所学校的其他杰出代表。在新古典学派中重要的是首先假设价格和工资具有充分的灵活性。由于这一假设,所有市场都将达到完美平衡,经济将自动在充分就业点上稳定下来。失业将是自愿性的,将被称为“自然失业率”。另一方面,根据REH的说法,所有经济主体都具有有关经济决策的全面知识和信息,包括政府政策及其影响,并以正确的方式考虑了他们对未来的期望。在这种情况下,已经考虑了每个人都可以期待并知道的政府政策,并且相应地形成了价格和数量的决定,因此价格以复杂的方式形成。这样,政府政策的效率就无效了。因此,与凯恩斯主义的金融政策一样,货币主义货币政策也无效。对经济的唯一有效影响似乎是“意外冲击”,因此是“意外”或“冲击”。由于越南战争的通货膨胀影响和1973-1974年的石油危机后的滞胀,新古典学校在70年代后开始发展。因此,美国的里根时代和英国的撒切尔时代的经济保守主义影响了政策的实施。但是,不可能防止通货膨胀。相反,失业达到了一个新的更高的层面。因此,这一次又采取了更为谨慎的态度,采用了凯恩斯主义和货币主义政策的混合实施。



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