首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Vehicle Classification Method Based on Single-Point Magnetic Sensor

Vehicle Classification Method Based on Single-Point Magnetic Sensor




In this paper a novel and scientific vehicle classification method is proposed, which is used on a new single-point magnetic sensor. The original waveform is transformed into numerical format by the data fusion technology for feature extraction. The extracted feature subsets are evaluated by Filter-Filter-Wrapper model, and then the nonredundant feature subset which fully reflects the difference of various vehicle types and is adaptable to the vehicle classifier is determined. On the basis of the optimal feature subset, this paper provides a novel vehicle classification algorithm based on Clustering Support Vector Machines(C-SVM). Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to search the optimal kernel parameter and slack penalty parameter. The cross-validation result of 460 samples shows that the classification rate of proposed vehicle classification method is better than 99%. It demonstrates that the vehicle classification method would be able to enhance efficiency of data mining, capability of machine learning and accuracy of vehicle classification.
机译:本文提出了一种新颖,科学的车辆分类方法,该方法用于新型单点磁传感器。通过数据融合技术将原始波形转换为数字格式以进行特征提取。利用Filter-Filter-Wrapper模型对提取出的特征子集进行评估,然后确定出能够充分反映出各种车型差异并适用于车辆分类器的非冗余特征子集。在最优特征子集的基础上,提出了一种基于聚类支持向量机(C-SVM)的车辆分类算法。粒子群算法(PSO)用于搜索最优核参数和松弛罚分参数。 460个样本的交叉验证结果表明,所提出的车辆分类方法的分类率优于99%。它表明车辆分类方法将能够提高数据挖掘的效率,机器学习的能力以及车辆分类的准确性。



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