首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Teaching Students How to Meditate Can Improve Level of Consciousness and Problem Solving Ability

Teaching Students How to Meditate Can Improve Level of Consciousness and Problem Solving Ability




The purpose of these studies was to analyze the effectiveness of meditation as a method of increasing level of consciousness in students and to investigate whether meditation and level of consciousness contribute to an individual's problem solving ability in a variety of domains. ?n the first study, participants ( N = 450) were recruited via online and asked to complete a detailed demographics questionnaire, the Situational Self-Awareness Scale, the Mindful Awareness Scale, and the Troyer Level of Consciousness Inventory. Study two was administered in person to 45 university educational psychology students in which they were asked to complete the demographics questionnaire, the Troyer Level of Consciousness Inventory, and a set of problem solving questions. Results from both studies indicated that individuals who meditate/pray performed better on problem solving tasks and had a significantly higher level of consciousness than individuals who did not prayer or meditate.
机译:这些研究的目的是分析冥想作为提高学生意识水平的一种方法的有效性,并研究冥想和意识水平是否有助于个人在各种领域中解决问题的能力。在第一项研究中,通过网络招募了参与者(N = 450),并要求他们完成详细的人口统计学问卷,情境自我意识量表,正念意识量表和Troyer意识清单。研究二是亲自对45位大学教育心理学专业学生进行的,他们被要求填写人口统计学问卷,Troyer意识清单水平以及一组解决问题的问题。两项研究的结果都表明,冥想/祈祷的人比不祈祷或冥想的人在解决问题的任务上表现更好,意识水平明显更高。



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