首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic acids research >Ubc9 fusion-directed SUMOylation identifies constitutive and inducible SUMOylation

Ubc9 fusion-directed SUMOylation identifies constitutive and inducible SUMOylation




Constitutive and induced protein SUMOylation is involved in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes, such as regulation of gene expression and protein transport, and proceeds mainly in the nucleus of the cell. So far, several hundred SUMOylation targets have been identified, but presumably they represent only a part of the total of proteins which are regulated by SUMOylation. Here, we used the Ubc9 fusion-dependent SUMOylation system (UFDS) to screen for constitutive and induced SUMOylation of 46 randomly chosen proteins with proven or potential nuclear localization. Fourteen new UFDS-substrate proteins were identified of which eight could be demonstrated to be SUMOylated in a UFDS-independent manner in vivo. Of these, three were constitutively SUMOylated (FOS, CRSP9 and CDC37) while the remaining five substrates (CSNK2B, TAF10, HSF2BP, PSMC3 and DRG1) showed a stimulation-dependent SUMOylation induced by the MAP3 kinase MEKK1. Hence, UFDS is appropriate for the identification and characterization of constitutive and, more importantly, induced protein SUMOylation in vivo.



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