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ElNémo: a normal mode web server for protein movement analysis and the generation of templates for molecular replacement




Normal mode analysis (NMA) is a powerful tool for predicting the possible movements of a given macromolecule. It has been shown recently that half of the known protein movements can be modelled by using at most two low-frequency normal modes. Applications of NMA cover wide areas of structural biology, such as the study of protein conformational changes upon ligand binding, membrane channel opening and closure, potential movements of the ribosome, and viral capsid maturation. Another, newly emerging field of NMA is related to protein structure determination by X-ray crystallography, where normal mode perturbed models are used as templates for diffraction data phasing through molecular replacement (MR). Here we present ElNémo, a web interface to the Elastic Network Model that provides a fast and simple tool to compute, visualize and analyse low-frequency normal modes of large macro-molecules and to generate a large number of different starting models for use in MR. Due to the ‘rotation-translation-block' (RTB) approximation implemented in ElNémo, there is virtually no upper limit to the size of the proteins that can be treated. Upon input of a protein structure in Protein Data Bank (PDB) format, ElNémo computes its 100 lowest-frequency modes and produces a comprehensive set of descriptive parameters and visualizations, such as the degree of collectivity of movement, residue mean square displacements, distance fluctuation maps, and the correlation between observed and normal-mode-derived atomic displacement parameters (B-factors). Any number of normal mode perturbed models for MR can be generated for download. If two conformations of the same (or a homologous) protein are available, ElNémo identifies the normal modes that contribute most to the corresponding protein movement. The web server can be freely accessed at http://igs-server.cnrs-mrs.fr/elnemo/index.html.
机译:正常模式分析(NMA)是预测给定高分子可能运动的有力工具。最近已经显示,可以使用至多两个低频正常模式来模拟一半的已知蛋白质运动。 NMA的应用涵盖了结构生物学的广泛领域,例如研究配体结合后蛋白质构象变化,膜通道的打开和关闭,核糖体的潜在运动以及病毒衣壳成熟。 NMA的另一个新兴领域与通过X射线晶体学确定蛋白质结构有关,其中正常模式扰动模型用作通过分子置换(MR)进行相控的衍射数据的模板。在这里,我们介绍ElNémo,它是弹性网络模型的Web界面,它提供了一种快速,简单的工具来计算,可视化和分析大分子的低频正常模式,并生成大量用于MR的不同起始模型。 。由于在ElNémo中实现了“旋转翻译模块”(RTB)近似,因此实际上可以治疗的蛋白质大小没有上限。在以蛋白质数据库(PDB)格式输入蛋白质结构后,ElNémo会计算其100个最低频率模式,并产生一组全面的描述性参数和可视化效果,例如运动的集合度,残基均方位移,距离波动图,以及观察到的和正常模式派生的原子位移参数(B因子)之间的相关性。可以生成任意数量的MR正常模式扰动模型以供下载。如果存在相同(或同源)蛋白质的两个构象,则ElNémo会确定对相应蛋白质运动贡献最大的正常模式。可以从http://igs-server.cnrs-mrs.fr/elnemo/index.html免费访问Web服务器。



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