首页> 外文期刊>Kidney international. >Renal handling of water and sodium in infancy and childhood: A study using clearance methods during hypotonic saline diuresis

Renal handling of water and sodium in infancy and childhood: A study using clearance methods during hypotonic saline diuresis




Renal function is low in infancy, even when the appropriate correction is made for the small body size [1]. Although we know that the maturing kidney seems able to maintain body homeostasis despite wide fluctuations in dietary intake, we know little about the pattern of development of the various tubular functions and especially of sodium and water reabsorption. Even the classical concept that tubular function lags behind glomerular filtration during development [2] has been a matter of recent controversy, and no firm conclusion can be drawn from micropuncture studies about whether glomerulotubular balance exists in the immature animal [3].Clearance techniques, although limited by the necessity for invoking a variety of assumptions, retain the unique advantages of being applicable to human studies and of being relevant to the function of the whole kidney 'in situ' rather than of an isolated population of nephrons. In the present experiments, fractional clearances during hypotonic saline diuresis have been used to study tubular handling of water and sodium in infants and children. With all the limitations in mind, the validity of this methodology is well accepted [4–6], but to our knowledge only a few reports are available of its application to the study of maturation of the renal function in man [7, 8].
机译:即使对较小的体型进行了适当的矫正,肾脏功能的婴儿期仍很低[1]。尽管我们知道尽管饮食摄入量波动很大,但成熟的肾脏似乎能够维持体内稳态,但我们对各种肾小管功能的发展模式,尤其是钠和水的重吸收知之甚少。即使是在发育过程中肾小管功能落后于肾小球滤过的经典概念[2],也一直是近期争议的话题,从微针穿刺研究中不能得出关于未成熟动物中是否存在肾小球-肾小管平衡的确切结论[3]。尽管受到调用各种假设的必要性的限制,但保留了适用于人体研究的独特优势,并且与“就地”整个肾脏(而不是孤立的肾单位)的功能有关。在本实验中,低渗盐水利尿过程中的分数清除率已被用于研究婴儿和儿童中水和钠的管状处理。考虑到所有局限性,该方法的有效性已广为接受[4-6],但据我们所知,仅有少数报道可将其用于研究人类肾功能的成熟度[7,8]。 。



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