首页> 外文期刊>Nature Communications >Non-autonomous DAF-16/FOXO activity antagonizes age-related loss of C. elegans germline stem/progenitor cells

Non-autonomous DAF-16/FOXO activity antagonizes age-related loss of C. elegans germline stem/progenitor cells

机译:非自主的DAF-16 / FOXO活性可拮抗与年龄有关的C丢失。线虫种系干/祖细胞



Stem cells maintain tissues and organs over the lifespan of individuals. How aging influences this process is unclear. Here we investigate the effects of aging on C. elegans germline stem/progenitor cells and show that the progenitor pool is depleted over time in a manner dependent on inhibition of DAF-16/FOXO by insulin/IGF-1 signalling (IIS). Our data indicate that DAF-16/FOXO activity in certain somatic gonad cells is required for germline progenitor maintenance, and that this role is separable from the effect of DAF-16/FOXO on organismal aging. In addition, blocking germ cell flux, similar to reducing IIS, maintains germline progenitors. This effect is partially dependent on gonadal DAF-16/FOXO activity. Our results imply that (1) longevity pathways can regulate aging stem cells through anatomically separable mechanisms, (2) stem cell maintenance is not necessarily prioritized and (3) stem cell regulation can occur at the level of an entire organ system such as the reproductive system.
机译:干细胞在个体的生命周期中维持组织和器官。老化如何影响该过程尚不清楚。在这里,我们研究了衰老对秀丽隐杆线虫种系干细胞/祖细胞的影响,并显示随着时间的流逝,祖细胞库以依赖于胰岛素/ IGF-1信号传导(IIS)抑制DAF-16 / FOXO的方式耗尽。我们的数据表明,某些体细胞性腺细胞中的DAF-16 / FOXO活性是种系祖细胞维持所必需的,并且该作用与DAF-16 / FOXO对机体衰老的作用是可分离的。此外,类似于减少IIS,阻止生殖细胞通量可以维持种系祖细胞。这种作用部分取决于性腺DAF-16 / FOXO的活性。我们的结果表明:(1)长寿途径可以通过解剖学上可分离的机制调节衰老的干细胞;(2)不一定要优先进行干细胞的维护;(3)干细胞的调节可以发生在整个器官系统(例如生殖系统)的水平系统。



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