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Role of the p53 protein in cell proliferation as studied by microinjection of monoclonal antibodies.




Two monoclonal antibodies against the p53 protein, PAb 122 and 200-47, were microinjected into mammalian cells as a probe to determine the role of the p53 protein in cell proliferation. PAb 122 recognizes the p53 proteins of mouse and human cells but not of hamster cells, whereas 200-47 recognizes the p53 proteins of mouse and hamster cells but not of human cells. The ability of these antibodies to inhibit serum-stimulated DNA synthesis of cells in culture correlates with their ability to recognize the species-specific antigenic determinants. More important, however, is the observation that microinjected PAb 122 inhibits the transition of Swiss 3T3 cells from G0 to S phase, but has no effect on the progression of these cells from mitosis to the S phase.
机译:将两种针对p53蛋白的单克隆抗体PAb 122和200-47微注射到哺乳动物细胞中作为探针,以确定p53蛋白在细胞增殖中的作用。 PAb 122识别小鼠和人细胞的p53蛋白,但不能识别仓鼠细胞,而200-47则识别小鼠和仓鼠细胞的p53蛋白,但不能识别人细胞。这些抗体抑制培养物中血清刺激的细胞DNA合成的能力与其识别物种特异性抗原决定簇的能力有关。然而,更重要的是观察到微注射的PAb 122抑制了Swiss 3T3细胞从G0到S期的转变,但对这些细胞从有丝分裂到S期的进程没有影响。



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