首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Mycobacterium bovi s in Panama, 2013

Mycobacterium bovi s in Panama, 2013




Z oonotic tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious dis- ease of humans caused by transmission of Mycobac- terium bovis from cattle (1). M. bovis infection in humans occurs after direct contact with infected cattle, ingestion of unpasteurized dairy products or raw or undercooked meat, or (rarely) person-to-person transmission (2). Despite the low incidence of zoonotic tuberculosis in the Americas, accumulating evidence confirms that death rates from M. bovis pulmonary infection in specific groups and settings, including in the United States and Mexico, are substantial (3,4). The risk for death is twice as high for children and persons with HIV co-infection and extrapulmonary TB than for HIV-negative persons with TB (3). M. bovis in- fection in cattle (bovine TB) has a major effect on meat and live animal export trade and dairy industry develop- ment and expansion (1). Thus, bovine TB eradication plans across the Americas are based on the elimination of any cattle with a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) result (5).


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