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Bartonella spp. Bacteremia and Rheumatic Symptoms in Patients from Lyme Disease–endemic Region




To the Editor: We believe the recent article by Maggi et al. (1) contains serious fl aws in content and underlying message, including a poorly defi ned study population, lack of appropriate controls, improper use of the term bacteremia, and incongruent laboratory fi ndings. Selection criteria were vague: the authors state only that participants were a “biased” collection of “patients selected by a rheumatologist,” with no control population included for comparison. The diagnosis of Lyme disease and other previously diagnosed conditions was solely by self-report. Although blood samples were collected from every participant, the authors apparently neglected to perform standardized testing for Borrelia burgdorferi or other conditions. The term “bacteremia” signifi es presence of viable bacteria in the bloodstream, which is not substantiated solely by a positive PCR result. True bacteremia was documented in only 1.7% of participants from whom a viable Bartonella species isolate was cultured, rather than the purported 41.1% of participants. Surprisingly, many participants whose PCR results were positive for Bartonella spp. had no serologic evidence of infection (e.g., 82.5% of samples that had positive PCR results for Bartonella henselae were not seroreactive). Although anergy has been reported, samples from most immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients infected with Bartonella spp. are seroreactive (2–4), calling into question the authors’ fi ndings. Furthermore, 24% of samples that were positive by PCR revealed no identifi able Bartonella spp. by DNA sequencing; these participants should have been excluded from analysis.
机译:致编辑:我们相信Maggi等人的最新文章。 (1)内容和基本信息中包含严重缺陷,包括研究人群定义欠佳,缺乏适当的控制措施,菌血症一词使用不当以及实验室检查结果不一致。选择标准含糊不清:作者仅陈述参与者是“风湿病学家选择的患者”的“偏见”集合,没有包括对照人群进行比较。莱姆病和其他先前诊断过的疾病的诊断仅靠自我报告。尽管从每个参与者那里采集了血液样本,但作者显然忽略了对伯氏疏螺旋体或其他条件进行标准化测试。术语“菌血症”表示血液中存在活菌,而不能仅通过阳性PCR结果来证实。仅有1.7%的参与者记录了真正的菌血症,从中培养出了可行的Bartonella菌种,而不是声称的41.1%的参与者。令人惊讶的是,许多参与者的Bartonella spp PCR结果均为阳性。没有感染的血清学证据(例如,对于汉氏巴尔通体的PCR结果呈阳性的样品中有82.5%的血清反应无活性)。尽管已经报道了无反应性,但大多数感染了Bartonella spp的具有免疫能力和免疫功能低下的患者的样本。具有血清反应性(2-4),使作者的发现受到质疑。此外,通过PCR呈阳性的样本中有24%没有发现可鉴定的Bartonella spp。通过DNA测序;这些参与者应该被排除在分析之外。



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