首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Two Human Cases of Rickettsia felis Infection, Thailand (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/20/10/14-0905)

Two Human Cases of Rickettsia felis Infection, Thailand (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/20/10/14-0905)




To the Editor: Rickettsia felis is an emerging pathogen responsible for fleaborne spotted fever. This new species was first isolated in 2002 from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, which was then identified as the main vector of this rickettsia (1). R. felis has also been described in other flea, tick, chigger, and mite species (2) and more recently, in mosquitoes, which are strongly suspected to play a role in transmission of the bacterium (3,4). The first evidence of human pathogenicity of R. felis was suspected in a patient from Texas, USA, in 1991 and was confirmed by 3 additional case-patients from Mexico in 2000 (5). Evidence suggests that this bacterium has a worldwide distribution; ≈100 reports of human cases have been published (2,6). Moreover, R. felis was identified as a common (3%–15%) cause of fever among febrile patients in tropical Africa (7). The bacterium has also been described in Asia, but little is known about cases of infection in humans; only 1 human case was described in Thailand in 2003 (8). We enrolled febrile patients (>7 years of age) who came to 4 community hospitals, 2 in Chiang Rai (northern Thailand) and 2 in Khon Kaen (northeastern Thailand) during 2002–2005. Acute-phase and convalescent-phase (3–5 weeks later) serum samples were obtained from 2,225 patients and tested for R. felis by using an indirect immunofluorescence assay (9). Seventeen (0.8%) of 2,225 patients showed evidence of seroconversion (IgG titer ≥1:128 or IgM titer ≥1:64 or a ≥4-fold increase in titer).
机译:致编辑:立克次体猫(Rickettsia felis)是一种新兴病原体,负责跳蚤性斑点热。该新物种于2002年首次从猫蚤Ctenocephalides felis中分离出来,然后被鉴定为该立克次体的主要媒介(1)。还已经在其他跳蚤,壁虱,species和螨虫物种中描述了R. felis(2),最近在蚊子中也描述了R. felis,蚊子被怀疑在细菌的传播中起作用(3,4)。 1991年,怀疑来自美国得克萨斯州的一名患者怀疑R. felis的人类致病性,2000年又有3名来自墨西哥的病例患者证实了这种现象。有证据表明这种细菌在世界范围内分布。约有100例人类病例报告已经发表(2,6)。此外,在非洲热带地区的发热患者中,R。felis被认为是常见的发烧原因(3%–15%)(7)。该细菌在亚洲也有描述,但对人类感染病例知之甚少。泰国在2003年仅描述了1例人类病例(8)。我们纳入了2002年至2005年间4所社区医院,2所清莱(泰国北部)和2所孔敬(泰国北部)的发热患者(> 7岁)。从2225名患者中获得了急性期和恢复期(3-5周后)的血清样品,并通过间接免疫荧光测定法检测了猫R. felis(9)。 2,225名患者中有17名(0.8%)表现出血清转化的证据(IgG滴度≥1:128或IgM滴度≥1:64或滴度增加≥4倍)。



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