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Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, Perspectives in Medical Virology, Volume 11




Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers is acompact and highly readable mono-graph written by Collin Howard, anauthoritative and veteran virologistwith hands-on practical experience inthis field. This volume is highly satis-fying on a variety of levels. Self-con-tained chapters deal with each of the 4taxonomic viral families (Flavivi-ridae, Arenaviridae, Bunyaviridae,and Filoviridae), which make up thecategory of viral hemorrhagic feveragents. The properties of each virusfamily are presented in terms ofmolecular virology and replicationstrategy, followed by the epidemiolo-gy, clinical presentation, and treat-ment options. Cross-referencing toother chapters is kept to a minimum,enhancing the readability of the text.The information is reasonably current,with the exception of the currentMarburg outbreak in Angola. For eachvirus, the author offers his candidassessment of the available treatmentoptions. My only quibble is that I donot share his pessimism that effectivevaccines will not be developed anddistributed in the near future. The author made a conscious deci-sion to avoid encyclopedic referenc-ing to enhance readability. On occa-sion, this results in bold statementsthat the specialist might wish hadbeen referenced. One example is thediscussion of Whitewater Arroyovirus and its probable (but con-tentious) role in 3 fatal cases of hem-orrhagic fever from 1999 to 2000.Another is a statement that infectionof endothelial cells is a critical eventin the pathogenesis of Ebola virus,which, to my knowledge, has neverbeen adequately documented. The text is enhanced by electronmicrographs of representative agents,photographs of rodent reservoirs intheir native habitat, maps of geo-graphic distributions, and schematicrepresentations of genome organiza-tion and replication strategies. Thelegend to Figure 2 in the Filoviruschapter compares Marburg and Ebolaviruses, but only 1 image (which Irecognize to be Marburg) is dis-played
机译:病毒性出血热是由权威和资深病毒学家Collin Howard撰写的紧凑而易读的专着,在该领域具有实践经验。该卷在各个级别上都非常令人满意。独立的章节涉及构成病毒性出血热药物的4个分类病毒家族(黄病毒科,沙棘病毒科,布尼亚病毒科和丝虫科)中的每一个。根据分子病毒学和复制策略介绍了每个病毒家族的特性,然后介绍了流行病学,临床介绍和治疗选择。尽量减少对其他章节的交叉引用,以提高文本的可读性。该信息是合理的最新信息,当前安哥拉的马尔堡疫情除外。对于每种病毒,作者对可用的处理选项进行了坦诚的评估。我唯一的疑问是,我不同意他的悲观论调,即在不久的将来不会开发和分配有效的疫苗。作者做出有意识的决定,避免引用百科全书来提高可读性。偶尔,这会导致大胆的陈述,专家可能希望参考该陈述。一个例子是讨论白水轮状病毒及其在1999年至2000年的3例致命性出血热中的致命病例中的作用(但仍是持续的)。另一个说法是内皮细胞感染是埃博拉病毒发病机理中的关键事件。据我所知,尚未充分记录。文本通过代表剂的电子显微照片,其原生栖息地中的啮齿动物储集库的照片,地理分布图以及基因组组织和复制策略的示意图来增强。丝状病毒章节中图2的传说比较了马尔堡病毒和埃博拉病毒,但只显示了1张图像(Irecognize是马尔堡)。



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