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The outbreak and control of Ebola viral haemorrhagic fever in a Ugandan medical school.


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Uganda has just experienced the largest outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) ever recorded. Mbarara University Teaching Hospital (MUTH) is responsible for training approximately one-third of Uganda's doctors. Mbarara is located in SouthWest Uganda, 614 km from Gulu, the main epicentre of the outbreak. On 23 October a patient was admitted to the medical ward of MUTH with an acute fever. He soon exhibited haemorrhagic symptoms and died. He was later confirmed to have suffered Ebola. Three more patients subsequently contracted the disease. All died. There were no further cases in Mbarara. No members of staff or medical student was infected. We give details of the clinical features of those patients who contracted the disease, the setting up of an Ebola isolation unit, the case surveillance and the search for the source of the outbreak. The implications for similar institutions in East Africa are discussed.
机译:乌干达刚刚经历了有史以来最大的埃博拉出血热(EHF)爆发。姆巴拉拉大学教学医院(MUTH)负责培训乌干达大约三分之一的医生。姆巴拉拉(Mbarara)位于乌干达西南部,距离爆发的主要震中古卢(Gulu)614公里。 10月23日,一名患者因发烧被送往MUTH的病房。他很快表现出出血症状并死亡。后来证实他患有埃博拉病毒。随后又有三名患者染上了这种疾病。都死了姆巴拉拉(Mbarara)没有其他案件。没有员工或医学院的学生被感染。我们详细介绍了患该病的患者的临床特征,埃博拉隔离单位的建立,病例监测以及对暴发源的搜寻。讨论了对东非类似机构的影响。



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