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Seroprevalence of Human Hantavirus Infection in the Ribeir?o Preto Region of S?o Paulo State, Brazil




To the Editor: Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) has been identified in the region of Ribeir?o Preto, S?o Paulo State, Brazil, since 1993 (1-4). As of September 1999, 38 HPS cases had been reported in Brazil, 16 in the state of S?o Paulo (2). Between May 1998 and August 1999, the Adolfo Lutz Institute (ALI) in S?o Paulo city serologically confirmed five cases— three fatal—in the Ribeir?o Preto region: two from Guariba, one from Jardinópolis, one from Cajuru, and one from Cassia dos Coqueiros (Luiza Teresinha Madia de Souza, ALI, pers. comm.). Despite these reports and suspicions of additional cases, the prevalence of hantavirus infection and HPS in the region is not known. Laboratory confirmation has not been available locally, and sending serum samples to ALI for laboratory evaluation is not feasible in most cases. Thus, only presumptive diagnoses could be made until the Sin Nombre virus (SNV) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed.
机译:致编辑:自1993年以来,在巴西圣保罗州里贝里奥普雷图地区就发现了汉坦病毒性肺综合征(HPS)(1-4)。截至1999年9月,巴西已报告38例HPS病例,圣保罗州16例(2)。在1998年5月至1999年8月之间,圣保罗市的阿道夫·卢茨研究所(ALI)在血清学方面证实了里贝罗·普雷图地区有5例病例-3例致命:2例来自瓜里巴,1例来自Jardinópolis,1例来自Cajuru,1例来自Cassia dos Coqueiros(路易莎·特雷辛哈·马迪亚·德·索萨,ALI,个人通讯)。尽管有这些报道并怀疑还有其他病例,但尚不清楚该地区汉坦病毒感染和HPS的患病率。本地没有实验室确认信息,在大多数情况下将血清样品发送到ALI进行实验室评估是不可行的。因此,只有进行了推定性诊断,才能开发出Sin Nombre病毒(SNV)酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)。



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