首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Causes of Death in HIV-infected Persons Who Have Tuberculosis, Thailand

Causes of Death in HIV-infected Persons Who Have Tuberculosis, Thailand




Up to 50% of persons with HIV and a diagnosis of tu-berculosis (TB) in Thailand die during TB treatment. In a prospective observational study, a team of physicians as-cribed the cause of death after reviewing verbal autopsies (interviews of family members about events preceding death), laboratory data, and medical records. Of 849 HIV-infected TB patients enrolled, 142 (17%) died. The cause of death was TB for 38 (27%), including 6 with multidrug-resistant TB and 20 with disseminated TB; an HIV-associ-ated condition other than TB for 50 (35%); and a condition unrelated to TB or HIV for 22 (15%). Twenty-three patients (16%) were judged not to have had TB at all. Death from all causes except those unrelated to TB or HIV was less common in persons receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). In addition to increasing the use of ART, death rates may be reduced through expanded use of modern TB diagnostic techniques



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