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Pneumocystis jirovecii in General Population




The possible presence of Pneumocystis amonghealthy adults was examined by detecting Pneumocystisjirovecii–specific DNA in prospectively obtained oropharyn-geal wash samples from 50 persons without underlyinglung disease or immunosuppression. Pneumocystis car-riage, defined by detecting Pneumocystis DNA by nestedpolymerase chain reaction in 2 independent analyses plussuccessful mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA typ-ing by direct sequencing, was found in 20% of cases. Allcarriers were asymptomatic, anti-HIV negative, and hadnormal total lymphocyte and CD4+ cell counts. A secondsample obtained in the 6-month follow-up was positive in 2of 9 available carriers. Genotype analysis showed differentpolymorphisms; 85A/248C (40%) and 85C/248C (30%)were most frequently observed. This study provides thefirst evidence that P. jirovecii DNA can be frequently detect-ed in the respiratory tract of immunocompetent adults,which agrees with the hypothesis that the general popula-tion could be a reservoir and source of this infection
机译:通过检测前瞻性从50例无潜在肺部疾病或免疫抑制的人获得的口咽-洁骨样中检测肺孢菌的特定DNA,检查了健康成年人中肺孢子虫的可能存在。在20%的病例中,发现了2个独立分析中通过巢式聚合酶链反应检测肺孢子虫DNA并通过直接测序成功完成线粒体大亚基核糖体RNA分型的肺孢子虫携带病。所有携带者无症状,抗HIV阴性,总淋巴细胞和CD4 +细胞计数正常。在6个月的随访中获得的第二份样本在9个可用载体中有2个呈阳性。基因型分析显示不同的多态性。最常观察到85A / 248C(40%)和85C / 248C(30%)。这项研究提供了第一个证据,即可以在具有免疫能力的成年人的呼吸道中频繁检测到吉氏疟原虫DNA,这与以下假设相吻合:一般人群可能是这种感染的来源和来源。



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