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The Fifth International Conference on Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, and Hantaviruses




The Fifth International Conferenceon Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syn-drome, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syn-drome, and Hantaviruses was held June13-16, 2001, in Annecy, a scenic resortin the French Alps. The conference, with160 participants, was co-organized andgenerously hosted by the Mérieux Foun-dation.Apart from Eurasia and the Ameri-cas, evidence for infections with hantavi-ruses now has been reported from manynew areas, including the Southeast Asiancountries of Cambodia, Indonesia, Tai-wan, and Thailand. However, definitiveand consistent evidence for the presenceof these viruses still has not beenreported from Africa or Australia. Theoccurrence of some newly recognizedpathogenic Old World hantaviruses wasreported (Amur virus from Apodemuspeninsulae in the Far East and Saaremaavirus from A. agrarius in Europe). Forthe Old World, the proper taxonomy ofthese viruses seems to be reasonablywell established. This is not the case forSouth American hantaviruses, presum-ably because rodents and their hantavi-ruses only recently entered the area,perhaps after the opening of the "PanamaBridge," as summarized by S. Morzunov(Reno, NV). The clinical pictures ofSouth American hantavirus infections(D. Enria, Pergamino, Argentina) seemto be variable, intermediate betweensevere North American hantavirus pul-monary syndrome (HPS) and Eurasianhemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS), and include mild cases, hemor-rhagic cases, and those characterized byrenal and neurologic signs.Additionalevidence was presented for the occur-rence of clustered cases, further suggest-ing the possibility of person-to-persontransmission, in southern Argentina,Chile, and Brazil. Much additional workis required to prove such a hypothesis.Transmission of hantaviruses in car-rier rodents is complex and may beattributable to decreased biodiversity ofrodent reservoir communities (J. Mills,Atlanta, GA). Although it is well knownthat wounds and infections are corre-lated, deer mice in laboratory coloniesshed very little Sin Nombre virus_(SNV). According to S. Klein (Balti-more, MD), intact male rats shed moreSeoul virus than do females or castratedmales. As reported by B. Hjelle (Albu-querque, NM), heat shock in cell cul-tures and cold shock in vivo canreactivate SNV, which persists in heart,lung, and, interestingly, brown fat
机译:第五届肾综合征,汉坦病毒性肺综合征和汉坦病毒性出血热国际会议于2001年6月13日至16日在法国阿尔卑斯山风景秀丽的安纳西举行。这次会议由梅里埃基金会共同组织和主持,有160名与会者。除了欧亚大陆和美国美利坚合众国之外,许多新地区,包括柬埔寨的东南亚国家,印度尼西亚,台湾和泰国。但是,尚未从非洲或澳大利亚报告存在这些病毒的确切一致证据。报告了一些新发现的致病性旧世界汉坦病毒的发生(远东的姬鼠亚目中的阿穆尔病毒和欧洲的黑线姬鼠中的萨雷玛病毒)。对于旧世界,这些病毒的适当分类法似乎已被很好地确立。南美人的汉坦病毒却不是这样,大概是因为啮齿动物及其汉坦病毒只是在最近才进入该区域的,也许是在“巴拿马桥”开放之后,正如S. Morzunov总结的那样。南美人汉坦病毒感染(D. Enria,佩尔加米诺,阿根廷)的临床图片似乎是可变的,介于严重的北美汉坦病毒肺综合征(HPS)和肾综合征的欧亚出血热(HFRS)之间,包括轻度病例,出血性病例,以及以肾和神经系统症状为特征的病例。还提供了有关集群病例发生的其他证据,进一步表明了在阿根廷南部,智利和巴西的人对人传播的可能性。证明这种假设还需要做大量的工作。汉坦病毒在携带啮齿类动物中的传播是复杂的,可能是由于啮齿动物水库群落的生物多样性减少所致(J. Mills,Atlanta,GA)。尽管众所周知,伤口和感染是相关的,但实验室集落中的鹿小鼠很少感染Sin Nombre病毒(SNV)。根据S. Klein(巴尔的摩,马里兰州)的说法,完整的雄性大鼠散发的汉城病毒比雌性或cast割的雄性鼠更多。如B. Hjelle(新墨西哥州阿尔布奎克市)报道,细胞培养物中的热休克和体内冷休克可以使SNV重新活化,SNV持续存在于心脏,肺和有趣的棕色脂肪中



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