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An age-structured population model with state-dependent delay: Dynamics




We consider an age-structured population model with distinct immature and adult stages, wherein the populations at each stage consume different limited food sources. This gives rise to a model composed of the McKendrick-Von F?rster partial differential equation, a nonlinear boundary condition describing the birth rate, and a threshold condition that yields a state-dependent delay. The state-dependence re?ects the changing age of maturity stemming from an intuitive accounting of the maturation time due to competition for resources within the immature population. Properties of solutions to this model are derived and the dynamics are compared to the corresponding constant delay case when state-dependence is ignored. As a parameter involved in birth rate is increased, we numerically observe a bifurcation from an extinction steady state to an endemic steady state, and observe both monotonic and oscillatory approaches to equilibrium.
机译:我们考虑具有不同的未成熟阶段和成年阶段的年龄结构的人口模型,其中每个阶段的人口消耗不同的有限食物来源。这样就产生了一个模型,该模型由McKendrick-Von F?rster偏微分方程,描述出生率的非线性边界条件以及产生取决于状态的延迟的阈值条件组成。状态依赖性反映了由于对未成熟种群内资源的竞争而对成熟时间进行直观计算而得出的成熟期限的变化。推导了该模型的解的性质,并在忽略状态相关性时将动力学与相应的恒定延迟情况进行了比较。随着涉及出生率的参数的增加,我们在数值上观察到了从灭绝稳态到地方性稳态的分叉,并观察了单调和振荡方式达到平衡。



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