首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology >Verotoxins in Bovine and Meat Verotoxin-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates: Type, Number of Variants, and Relationship to Cytotoxicity

Verotoxins in Bovine and Meat Verotoxin-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates: Type, Number of Variants, and Relationship to Cytotoxicity




In this study, we determined vt subtypes and evaluated verotoxicity in basal as well as induced conditions of verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) strains isolated from cattle and meat products. Most (87%) of the 186 isolates carried a vt _(2) gene. Moreover, the vt _(2) subtype, which is associated with serious disease, was present in 42% of our VTEC collection. The other vt subtypes detected were vt _(1), vt _(1d), vt _(2vha), vt _(2vhb), vt _(2O118), vt _(2d) (mucus activatable), and vt _(2g). A total of 41 (22%) of the isolates possessed more than one vt subtype in its genome, and among them the most frequent combination was vt _(1)/ vt _(2), but we also observed multiple combinations among vt _(2) subtypes. Differences in verotoxicity titers were found among a selection of 54 isolates. Among isolates with a single vt _(2) variant, those carrying the vt _(2) subtype had high titers under both uninduced and induced conditions. However, the highest increase in cytotoxicity under mitomycin C treatment was detected among the strains carrying vt _(2vha) or vt _(2hb) variants. Notably, the isolates carrying the vt _(1) subtype showed a lesser increase than that of most of the vt _(2)-positive VTEC strains. Furthermore, the presence of more than one vt gene variant in the same isolate was not reflected in higher titers, and generally the titers were lower than those for strains with only one gene variant. The main observation was that both basal and induced cytotoxic effects seemed to be associated with the type and number of vt variants more than with the serotype or origin of the isolate.
机译:在这项研究中,我们确定了vt亚型,并评估了从牛和肉类产品中分离出的产生毒素的大肠埃希菌(VTEC)菌株的基础以及诱导条件下的垂直毒性。 186个分离物中的大多数(87%)带有vt_(2)基因。此外,vt _(2)亚型与严重疾病有关,占我们VTEC集合的42%。检测到的其他vt亚型为vt _(1),vt _(1d),vt _(2vha),vt _(2vhb),vt _(2O118),vt _(2d)(可激活粘液)和vt _( 2克)。共有41个(22%)分离株在其基因组中拥有一个以上的vt亚型,其中最常见的组合是vt _(1)/ vt _(2),但我们还观察到vt _之间的多个组合(2)亚型。在54种分离株中发现了毒性毒性效价的差异。在具有单个vt_(2)变体的分离株中,携带vt_(2)亚型的分离株在未诱导和诱导条件下均具有高滴度。但是,在携带vt _(2vha)或vt _(2hb)变异株的菌株中,丝裂霉素C处理下细胞毒性的增加最大。值得注意的是,携带vt _(1)亚型的分离株与大多数vt _(2)阳性VTEC菌株相比,表现出较小的增长。此外,在同一分离物中不存在一个以上的vt基因变异体,并没有以较高的滴度反映出来,通常其滴度低于仅具有一个基因变异体的菌株的滴度。主要观察结果是,基础和诱导的细胞毒性作用似乎与vt变体的类型和数量有关,而不是与分离物的血清型或来源有关。



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