首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Reservoirs of Listeria Species in Three Environmental Ecosystems

Reservoirs of Listeria Species in Three Environmental Ecosystems




Soil and water are suggested to represent pivotal niches for the transmission of Listeria monocytogenes to plant material, animals, and the food chain. In the present study, 467 soil and 68 water samples were collected in 12 distinct geological and ecological sites in Austria from 2007 to 2009. Listeria was present in 30% and 26% of the investigated soil and water samples, respectively. Generally, the most dominant species in soil and water samples were Listeria seeligeri, L. innocua, and L. ivanovii. The human- and animal-pathogenic L. monocytogenes was isolated exclusively from 6% soil samples in regions A (mountainous region) and B (meadow). Distinct ecological preferences were observed for L. seeligeri and L. ivanovii, which were more often isolated from wildlife reserve region C (Lake Neusiedl) and from sites in proximity to wild and domestic ruminants (region A). The higher L. monocytogenes detection and antibiotic resistance rates in regions A and B could be explained by the proximity to agricultural land and urban environment. L. monocytogenes multilocus sequence typing corroborated this evidence since sequence type 37 (ST37), ST91, ST101, and ST517 were repeatedly isolated from regions A and B over several months. A higher L. monocytogenes detection and strain variability was observed during flooding of the river Schwarza (region A) and Danube (region B) in September 2007, indicating dispersion via watercourses.
机译:建议土壤和水代表单核细胞增生李斯特菌向植物材料,动物和食物链的传播的关键生态位。在本研究中,从2007年到2009年,在奥地利的12个不​​同的地质和生态场所中收集了467个土壤和68个水样品。被调查的土壤和水样品中分别存在30%和26%的李斯特菌。通常,土壤和水样中最主要的物种是李斯特菌,无毒李斯特菌和伊万诺夫菌。人类和动物致病性单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌仅从A区(山区)和B区(草甸)的6%土壤样品中分离出来。观察到L. seeligeri和L. ivanovii具有明显的生态偏好,它们通常是从野生动植物保护区C(新锡德尔湖)以及野生和家养反刍动物附近的地点(A区)中分离出来的。 A区和B区单核细胞增生李斯特菌的检出率和抗生素耐药率较高,可以解释为靠近农田和城市环境。单核细胞增生李斯特菌多基因座序列分型证实了这一证据,因为数月以来从区域A和B反复分离出序列类型37(ST37),ST91,ST101和ST517。在2007年9月的Schwarza河(A区)和多瑙河(B区)洪水期间,单核细胞增生李斯特菌的检出率和菌株变异性较高,表明通过河道扩散。



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