首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Design and Validation of Four New Primers for Next-Generation Sequencing To Target the 18S rRNA Genes of Gastrointestinal Ciliate Protozoa

Design and Validation of Four New Primers for Next-Generation Sequencing To Target the 18S rRNA Genes of Gastrointestinal Ciliate Protozoa

机译:针对胃肠道纤毛虫原生动物的18S rRNA基因的下一代测序的四个新引物的设计和验证



Four new primers and one published primer were used to PCR amplify hypervariable regions within the protozoal 18S rRNA gene to determine which primer pair provided the best identification and statistical analysis. PCR amplicons of 394 to 498 bases were generated from three primer sets, sequenced using Roche 454 pyrosequencing with Titanium, and analyzed using the BLAST database (NCBI) and MOTHUR version 1.29. The protozoal diversity of rumen contents from moose in Alaska was assessed. In the present study, primer set 1, P-SSU-316F and GIC758R (amplicon of 482 bases), gave the best representation of diversity using BLAST classification, and the set amplified Entodinium simplex and Ostracodinium spp., which were not amplified by the other two primer sets. Primer set 2, GIC1080F and GIC1578R (amplicon of 498 bases), had similar BLAST results and a slightly higher percentage of sequences that were identified with a higher sequence identity. Primer sets 1 and 2 are recommended for use in ruminants. However, primer set 1 may be inadequate to determine protozoal diversity in nonruminants. The amplicons created by primer set 1 were indistinguishable for certain species within the genera Bandia, Blepharocorys, Polycosta, and Tetratoxum and between Hemiprorodon gymnoprosthium and Prorodonopsis coli, none of which are normally found in the rumen.
机译:使用四种新引物和一种公开的引物对原生动物18S rRNA基因内的高变区进行PCR扩增,以确定哪个引物对可提供最佳的鉴定和统计分析。从三个引物组生成394到498个碱基的PCR扩增子,使用带有钛的Roche 454焦磷酸测序进行测序,并使用BLAST数据库(NCBI)和MOTHUR版本1.29进行分析。评估了阿拉斯加驼鹿瘤胃内容物的原生动物多样性。在本研究中,引物对1,P-SSU-316F和GIC758R(482个碱基的扩增子)使用BLAST分类法最能代表多样性,而对引物对扩增的单对odi和Ostracodinium spp。其他两个引物组。引物组2,GIC1080F和GIC1578R(498个碱基的扩增子),具有相似的BLAST结果,并且以较高的序列同一性鉴定的序列百分比略高。推荐将引物1和2用于反刍动物。但是,引物组1可能不足以确定非反刍动物的原生动物多样性。引物组1产生的扩增子在Bandia,Blepharocorys,Polycosta和Tetratoxum属以及Hemiprorodon Gymnoprosthium和Prorodonopsis coli 之间的某些物种无法区分,通常在瘤胃中都找不到。



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