首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Neurotoxin Gene Profiling of Clostridium botulinum Types C and D Native to Different Countries within Europe

Neurotoxin Gene Profiling of Clostridium botulinum Types C and D Native to Different Countries within Europe




Clostridium botulinum types C and D, as well as their mosaic variants C-D and D-C, are associated with avian and mammalian botulism. This study reports on the development of low-density macroarrays based on the GeneDisc cycler platform (Pall-GeneDisc Technologies) applied to the simultaneous detection of the C. botulinum subtypes C, C-D, D, and D-C. The limit of detection of the PCR assays was 38 fg of total DNA, corresponding to 15 genome copies. Artificially contaminated samples of cecum showed a limit of detection below 50 spores/g. The tests were performed with a large variety of bacterial strains, including C. botulinum types C (n = 12), C-D (n = 29), D (n = 5), and D-C (n = 10), other botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT)-producing Clostridium strains (n = 20), non-BoNT-producing clostridia (n = 20), and other bacterial species (n = 23), and showed a high specificity. These PCR assays were compared to previously published real-time PCRs for the detection of C. botulinum in 292 samples collected from cases of botulism events in four European regions. The majority of the samples originated from wild birds (n = 108), poultry (n = 60), and bovines (n = 56). Among the 292 samples, 144 were positive for either the bont/C-D or the bont/D-C gene by using the GeneDisc arrays. The reliability of the results tallied to 97.94%. Interestingly, only BoNT mosaics, types C-D and D-C, were found in naturally contaminated samples whatever their animal origin and their geographical location. Further investigations should now be performed in order to check that mosaic types dominate in Europe and that acquisition of mosaic types helps in survival or adaptation to particular niche.
机译:C型和D型肉毒梭菌以及它们的镶嵌变体C-D和D-C与禽和哺乳动物肉毒中毒有关。这项研究报告了基于GeneDisc循环仪平台(Pall-GeneDisc Technologies)的低密度宏阵列的开发,该平台应用于同时检测肉毒梭菌C,C-D,D和D-C亚型。 PCR检测的检测限为38 fg总DNA,对应于15个基因组拷贝。人工污染的盲肠样品的检出限低于50孢子/ g。测试是针对多种细菌菌株进行的,包括C型肉毒梭菌(n = 12),CD(n = 29),D(n = 5)和DC(n = 10),其他肉毒杆菌神经毒素(产生BoNT的梭菌菌株(n = 20),非产生BoNT的梭菌(n = 20)和其他细菌种类(n = 23),并显示出高特异性。将这些PCR测定法与以前发布的实时PCR进行了比较,以检测来自四个欧洲地区肉毒中毒事件的292个样品中的肉毒梭菌。大部分样本来自野生鸟类(n = 108),家禽(n = 60)和牛(n = 56)。通过使用GeneDisc阵列,在292个样本中,有144个bont / C-D或bont / D-C基因呈阳性。结果的可靠性达到97.94%。有趣的是,无论其动物起源和地理位置如何,在自然污染的样品中仅发现C-D和D-C型BoNT马赛克。现在应该进行进一步的研究,以检查马赛克类型在欧洲占主导地位,并且获取马赛克类型有助于生存或适应特定的生态位。



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