首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Functional Analysis of MmeI from Methanol Utilizer Methylophilus methylotrophus, a Subtype IIC Restriction-Modification Enzyme Related to Type I Enzymes

Functional Analysis of MmeI from Methanol Utilizer Methylophilus methylotrophus, a Subtype IIC Restriction-Modification Enzyme Related to Type I Enzymes




MmeI from Methylophilus methylotrophus belongs to the type II restriction-modification enzymes. It recognizes an asymmetric DNA sequence, 5′-TCCRAC-3′ (R indicates G or A), and cuts both strands at fixed positions downstream of the specific site. This particular feature has been exploited in transcript profiling of complex genomes (using serial analysis of gene expression technology). We have shown previously that the endonucleolytic activity of MmeI is strongly dependent on the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (J. Nakonieczna, J. W. Zmijewski, B. Banecki, and A. J. Podhajska, Mol. Biotechnol. 37:127-135, 2007), which puts MmeI in subtype IIG. The same cofactor is used by MmeI as a methyl group donor for modification of an adenine in the upper strand of the recognition site to N6-methyladenine. Both enzymatic activities reside in a single polypeptide (919 amino acids [aa]), which puts MmeI also in subtype IIC of the restriction-modification systems. Based on a molecular model, generated with the use of bioinformatic tools and validated by site-directed mutagenesis, we were able to localize three functional domains in the structure of the MmeI enzyme: (i) the N-terminal portion containing the endonucleolytic domain with the catalytic Mg2+-binding motif D70-X9-EXK82, characteristic for the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily of nucleases; (ii) a central portion (aa 310 to 610) containing nine sequence motifs conserved among N6-adenine γ-class DNA methyltransferases; (iii) the C-terminal portion (aa 610 to 919) containing a putative target recognition domain. Interestingly, all three domains showed highest similarity to the corresponding elements of type I enzymes rather than to classical type II enzymes. We have found that MmeI variants deficient in restriction activity (D70A, E80A, and K82A) can bind and methylate specific nucleotide sequence. This suggests that domains of MmeI responsible for DNA restriction and modification can act independently. Moreover, we have shown that a single amino acid residue substitution within the putative target recognition domain (S807A) resulted in a MmeI variant with a higher endonucleolytic activity than the wild-type enzyme.
机译:来自甲基嗜甲基菌的MmeI属于II型限制性修饰酶。它识别不对称的DNA序列5'-TCCRAC-3'(R表示G或A),并在特定位点下游的固定位置切割两条链。此特殊功能已用于复杂基因组的转录谱分析中(使用基因表达技术的序列分析)。我们以前已经证明MmeI的内切核酸酶活性强烈依赖于S-腺苷-1-蛋氨酸的存在(J. Nakonieczna,JW Zmijewski,B。Banecki和AJ Podhajska,Mol。Biotechnol。37:127-135, 2007),将MmeI置于IIG的子类型中。 MmeI使用相同的辅助因子作为甲基供体,将识别位点上链中的腺嘌呤修饰为N6-甲基腺嘌呤。两种酶活性都驻留在单个多肽(919个氨基酸[aa])中,这使MmeI也进入了限制性修饰系统的IIC亚型。基于使用生物信息学工具生成并通过定点诱变验证的分子模型,我们能够在MmeI酶的结构中定位三个功能域:(i)含有内切核酸域的N端部分核酸酶PD-(D / E)XK超家族特征性的催化Mg2 +结合基序D70-X9-EXK82; (ii)含有在N6-腺嘌呤γ-类DNA甲基转移酶中保守的九个序列基序的中央部分(aa 310至610); (iii)包含推定的目标识别域的C端部分(aa 610至919)。有趣的是,所有三个结构域都显示出与I型酶的相应元件(而非经典II型酶)的最高相似性。我们已经发现缺乏限制活性的MmeI变体(D70A,E80A和K82A)可以结合并甲基化特定的核苷酸序列。这表明负责DNA限制和修饰的MmeI结构域可以独立发挥作用。此外,我们已经表明推定的目标识别域(S807A)中的单个氨基酸残基取代导致MmeI变体具有比野生型酶更高的内切核酸酶活性。



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