首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >β-Lactams and Florfenicol Antibiotics Remain Bioactive in Soils while Ciprofloxacin, Neomycin, and Tetracycline Are Neutralized

β-Lactams and Florfenicol Antibiotics Remain Bioactive in Soils while Ciprofloxacin, Neomycin, and Tetracycline Are Neutralized




It is generally assumed that antibiotic residues in soils select for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This assumption was tested by separately adding 10 different antibiotics (≥200 ppm) to three soil-water slurries (silt-loam, sand-loam, and sand; 20% soil [wt/vol]) and incubating mixtures for 24 h at room temperature. The antibiotic activity of the resultant supernatant was assessed by culturing a sensitive Escherichia coli strain in the filter-sterilized supernatant augmented with Luria-Bertani broth. We found striking differences in the abilities of supernatants to suppress growth of the indicator E. coli. Ampicillin, cephalothin, cefoxitin, ceftiofur, and florfenicol supernatants completely inhibited growth while bacterial growth was uninhibited in the presence of neomycin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin supernatants. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis demonstrated that cefoxitin and florfenicol were almost completely retained in the supernatants, whereas tetracycline and ciprofloxacin were mostly removed. Antibiotic dissipation in soil, presumably dominated by adsorption mechanisms, was sufficient to neutralize 200 ppm of tetracycline; this concentration is considerably higher than reported contamination levels. Soil pellets from the tetracycline slurries were resuspended in a minimal volume of medium to maximize the interaction between bacteria and soil particles, but sensitive bacteria were still unaffected by tetracycline (P = 0.6). Thus, residual antibiotics in soil do not necessarily exert a selective pressure, and the degree to which the pharmaceutical remains bioactive depends on the antibiotic. Efforts to control antibiotic contamination would be better directed toward compounds that retain biological activity in soils (e.g., cephalosporins and florfenicol) because these are the antibiotics that could exert a selective pressure in the environment.
机译:通常认为土壤中的抗生素残留物会选择具有抗生素抗性的细菌。通过将10种不同的抗生素(≥200ppm)分别添加到三种土壤-水浆液中(淤泥壤土,砂壤土和沙子; 20%的土壤[wt / vol])并在室温下将混合物孵育24小时来测试该假设室内温度。通过在用Luria-Bertani肉汤增强的过滤器灭菌的上清液中培养敏感的大肠杆菌菌株来评估所得上清液的抗生素活性。我们发现上清液抑制指示性大肠杆菌生长的能力存在显着差异。氨苄西林,头孢菌素,头孢西丁,头孢噻呋和氟苯尼考上清液完全抑制生长,而在新霉素,四环素和环丙沙星上清液存在下细菌生长不受抑制。高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析表明,头孢西丁和氟苯尼考几乎完全保留在上清液中,而四环素和环丙沙星则大部分被去除。抗生素在土壤中的消散(大概是由吸附机制决定的)足以中和200 ppm四环素。该浓度大大高于报告的污染水平。将四环素浆液中的土壤团粒重悬在最小体积的培养基中,以使细菌与土壤颗粒之间的相互作用最大化,但敏感细菌仍不受四环素的影响(P = 0.6)。因此,土壤中残留的抗生素不一定会施加选择性压力,药物保持生物活性的程度取决于抗生素。控制抗生素污染的努力最好针对保留在土壤中生物活性的化合物(例如头孢菌素和氟苯尼考),因为这些是可以在环境中施加选择性压力的抗生素。



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