首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Identification and Characterization of Conjugative Transposons CTn86 and CTn9343 in Bacteroides fragilis Strains

Identification and Characterization of Conjugative Transposons CTn86 and CTn9343 in Bacteroides fragilis Strains




The related genetic elements flanking the Bacteroides fragilis pathogenicity island (PAI) in enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) 86-5443-2-2 and also present in pattern III nontoxigenic B. fragilis (NTBF) NCTC 9343 were defined as putative conjugative transposons (CTns), designated CTn86 and CTn9343, respectively (A. A. Franco, J. Bacteriol. 181:6623-6633, 2004). CTn86 and CTn9343 have the same basic structures except that their encoded transposases have low similarity and CTn9343 lacks the B. fragilis PAI and contains an extra 7-kb region not present in CTn86. In this study, using DNA hybridization and PCR analysis, we characterized the genetic element flanking the PAI in a collection of ETBF strains and the related genetic elements in a collection of NTBF pattern III strains. We found that in all 123 ETBF strains, the PAI is contained in a genetic element similar to CTn86. Of 73 pattern III strains, 26 (36%) present a genetic element similar to CTn9343, 38 (52%) present a genetic element similar to CTn9343 but lack the 7-kb region that is also absent in CTn86 (CTn9343-like element), and 9 (12%) present a genetic element similar to CTn86 but lacking the PAI (CTn86-like element). In addition to containing CTn86, ETBF strains can also contain CTn9343, CTn9343-like, or CTn86-like elements. CTn86, CTn9343, CTn86-like, and CTn9343-like elements were found exclusively in B. fragilis strains and predominantly in division I, cepA-positive strains.
机译:肠毒素致病性脆弱拟杆菌(ETBF)86-5443-2-2中存在的脆弱拟杆菌的致病岛(PAI)的相关遗传元件,也存在于模式III非脆弱致病性拟杆菌(NTBF)NCTC 9343中,被认为是假定的共轭转座子( CTns),分别称为CTn86和CTn9343(AA Franco,J. Bacteriol。181:6623-6633,2004)。 CTn86和CTn9343具有相同的基本结构,不同之处在于它们的编码转座酶具有较低的相似性,并且CTn9343缺少脆弱的芽孢杆菌PAI,并且包含CTn86中不存在的额外7-kb区域。在这项研究中,使用DNA杂交和PCR分析,我们表征了ETBF菌株集合中PAI侧翼的遗传元件以及NTBF模式III菌株集合中的相关遗传元件。我们发现在所有123株ETBF菌株中,PAI包含在与CTn86类似的遗传元件中。在73个III型病毒株中,有26个(36%)呈现与CTn9343类似的遗传元件,其中38个(52%)呈现与CTn9343类似的遗传元件,但缺少在CTn86中也不存在的7-kb区域(类似CTn9343- )和9(占12%)的遗传元件类似于CTn86,但缺少PAI(类似于CTn86的元件)。除了包含CTn86,ETBF菌株还可以包含CTn9343,类似CTn9343或类似CTn86的元件。 CTn86,CTn9343,类似CTn86和类似CTn9343的元件仅在脆弱的芽孢杆菌菌株中发现,并且主要在I类cepA阳性菌株中发现。



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