首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Molecular, Serological, and Virulence Characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolated from Environmental, Food, and Clinical Sources in North America and Asia

Molecular, Serological, and Virulence Characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolated from Environmental, Food, and Clinical Sources in North America and Asia




Potential virulence attributes, serotypes, and ribotypes were determined for 178 pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical, environmental, and food sources on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf Coasts of the United States and from clinical sources in Asia. The food and environmental isolates were generally from oysters, and they were defined as being pathogenic by using DNA probes to detect the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) gene. The clinical isolates from the United States were generally associated with oyster consumption, and most were obtained from outbreaks in Washington, Texas, and New York. Multiplex PCR was used to confirm the species identification and the presence of tdh and to test for the tdh-related hemolysin trh. Most of the environmental, food, and clinical isolates from the United States were positive for tdh, trh, and urease production. Outbreak-associated isolates from Texas, New York, and Asia were predominantly serotype O3:K6 and possessed only tdh. A total of 27 serotypes and 28 ribogroups were identified among the isolates, but the patterns of strain distribution differed between the serotypes and ribogroups. All but one of the O3:K6 isolates from Texas were in a different ribogroup from the O3:K6 isolates from New York or Asia. The O3:K6 serotype was not detected in any of the environmental and food isolates from the United States, and none of the food or environmental isolates belonged to any of the three ribogroups that contained all of the O3:K6 and related clinical isolates. The combination of serotyping and ribotyping showed that the Pacific Coast V. parahaemolyticus population appeared to be distinct from that of either the Atlantic Coast or Gulf Coast. The fact that certain serotypes and ribotypes contained both clinical and environmental isolates while many others contained only environmental isolates implies that certain serotypes or ribotypes are more relevant for human disease.
机译:确定了来自美国太平洋,大西洋和墨西哥湾沿岸以及亚洲临床来源的178种致病性副溶血弧菌分离株的潜在毒力属性,血清型和核糖型。食物和环境中的分离物通常来自牡蛎,通过使用DNA探针检测热稳定的直接溶血素( tdh )基因的存在,将其定义为致病菌。来自美国的临床分离株通常与牡蛎的消费有关,并且大多数是从华盛顿,德克萨斯州和纽约的暴发中获得的。多重PCR用于确认物种鉴定和 tdh 的存在,并测试 tdh 相关的溶血素 trh 。来自美国的大多数环境,食品和临床分离株对 tdh,trh 和脲酶生产呈阳性。来自德克萨斯州,纽约和亚洲的与暴发相关的分离株主要为O3:K6血清型,仅具有 tdh 。在分离物中共鉴定出27种血清型和28个核糖基团,但是菌株分布的模式在血清型和核糖基团之间有所不同。除得克萨斯州以外的所有O3:K6分离株均与纽约或亚洲的O3:K6分离株处于不同的核糖基团。在美国的任何环境和食物分离株中均未检测到O3​​:K6血清型,并且食物或环境分离株均不属于包含所有O3:K6和相关临床分离株的三个核糖基团中的任何一个。血清分型和核糖型分型的结合表明太平洋海岸 V。 parahaemolyticus 种群似乎与大西洋沿岸或墨西哥湾沿岸不同。某些血清型和核糖型同时包含临床和环境分离株,而许多其他血清型和核糖型仅包含环境分离株,这一事实表明某些血清型或核糖型与人类疾病更相关。



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